APP - Does the flu vaccine do more harm than good?


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Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:

I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.


According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.

But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.


Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.

“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”

Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.

A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.

Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.


VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’

According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”

The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”

Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”

The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”

“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:

I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.


According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.

But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.


Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.

“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”

Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.

A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.

Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.


VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’

According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”

The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”

Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”

The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”

“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
"But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

This is correct and is explained by the CDC for people who take the time to understand how annual flu mortality estimates are calculated.

However,the fact that you believe viruses don't exist, shows that you are irrational and are unlikely to truly understand many things.
"But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

This is correct and is explained by the CDC for people who take the time to understand how annual flu mortality estimates are calculated.

Glad we agree on that at least.

However,the fact that you believe viruses don't exist, shows that you are irrational and are unlikely to truly understand many things.

I certainly -used- to believe that biological viruses exist. I still believed that when the alleged Covid pandemic started. Then a medical journalist I know told me that there were some that no longer believed that they existed. At first, I couldn't believe it. I told her it sounded too good to be true. But I started looking into it and found a group of medical doctors and other researchers who had stopped believing in them. It took me about a year where I spent a lot of time arguing with people about Covid and also researching this new point of view to become persuaded that these researchers were right. By the time I started my thread on the subject here, I'd become convinced. If you'd like to debate the evidence that biological viruses exist, by all means, take a look at this thread that I made back in 2022:
Glad we agree on that at least.

I certainly -used- to believe that biological viruses exist. I still believed that when the alleged Covid pandemic started. Then a medical journalist I know told me that there were some that no longer believed that they existed. At first, I couldn't believe it. I told her it sounded too good to be true. But I started looking into it and found a group of medical doctors and other researchers who had stopped believing in them. It took me about a year where I spent a lot of time arguing with people about Covid and also researching this new point of view to become persuaded that these researchers were right. By the time I started my thread on the subject here, I'd become convinced. If you'd like to debate the evidence that biological viruses exist, by all means, take a look at this thread that I made back in 2022:
You're moving the goal posts. If full eradication of a virus is possible, then it's possible that SOME no longer exist. That's not what you said. You said you biological viruses, in general, don't exist.
Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:

I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.


According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.

But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.


Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.

“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”

Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.

A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.

Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.


VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’

According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”

The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”

Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”

The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”

“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
The prodigal ***** has returned.
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You're moving the goal posts. If full eradication of a virus is possible, then it's possible that SOME no longer exist. That's not what you said. You said you biological viruses, in general, don't exist.
We're clearly not talking about the flu vaccine at this point, so I've responded to your post in the thread I made years ago to address whether or not biological viruses are real. For the audience, my response can be seen here:
Given the fact that Damocles himself has insulted me here, I don't find it surprising that you'd follow in his footsteps. I'm -hoping- that Damocles realized he broke his own forum's rules and stops this, I guess we'll find out.
It seems you haven't actually read the forum rules if you think calling someone an idiot is a violation.
Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:

I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.


According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.

But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.


Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.

“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”

Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.

A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.

Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.


VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’

According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”

The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”

Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”

The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”

“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,”

No there aren't. That's not how VAERS and people who spread lies about VAERS, like Tucker Carlson, only contribute to disinformation and, ultimately, death.
Glad we agree on that at least.

I certainly -used- to believe that biological viruses exist. I still believed that when the alleged Covid pandemic started. Then a medical journalist I know told me that there were some that no longer believed that they existed. At first, I couldn't believe it. I told her it sounded too good to be true. But I started looking into it and found a group of medical doctors and other researchers who had stopped believing in them. It took me about a year where I spent a lot of time arguing with people about Covid and also researching this new point of view to become persuaded that these researchers were right. By the time I started my thread on the subject here, I'd become convinced. If you'd like to debate the evidence that biological viruses exist, by all means, take a look at this thread that I made back in 2022:
It's basically the Flat Earther "theory", but with viruses. They literally can take pictures of viruses with microscopes.... but you saw some hokey hack who said he doesn't believe, and were convinced by what?

While I disagree that a treatment for a virus is a "vaccine" when it doesn't stop you from getting the disease, I certainly am not convinced viruses do not exist... I've literally seen the images of the things.
It seems you haven't actually read the forum rules if you think calling someone an idiot is a violation.
In APP it is a violation of APP rules. He's correct... While it will not get you banned, it will get the post deleted. It's easy to miss that it is in APP... Other than the Title of the thread there is no real indicator.. I wonder if I can change that.
Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:

I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.


According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.

But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”

“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.


Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.

“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”

Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.

A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.

Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.


VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’

According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”

The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”

Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”

The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”

“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,”

No there aren't. That's not how VAERS and people who spread lies about VAERS, like Tucker Carlson, only contribute to disinformation and, ultimately, death.

I fully admit that at present, I don't know how to verify this claim. That being said, I have already initiated requests for help in this endeavour in the comments section of the article itself, as well as in a message at, as the man who made the statement is the founder of that site. I'll let you know if I get a response that allows me to verify the statement.
It's basically the Flat Earther "theory", but with viruses. They literally can take pictures of viruses with microscopes.... but you saw some hokey hack who said he doesn't believe, and were convinced by what?

While I disagree that a treatment for a virus is a "vaccine" when it doesn't stop you from getting the disease, I certainly am not convinced viruses do not exist... I've literally seen the images of the things.

Hey Damocles, I hope you don't mind that I responded to your post in a new thread I made here that deals specifically with whether or not biological viruses exist. For the audience, my response can be seen here:
I fully admit that at present, I don't know how to verify this claim. That being said, I have already initiated requests for help in this endeavour in the comments section of the article itself, as well as in a message at, as the man who made the statement is the founder of that site. I'll let you know if I get a response that allows me to verify the statement.
The COVID pandemic sent many people down the vaccine, conspiracy theory/disinformation rabbit hole. As I mentioned earlier, Tucker Carlson claimed at one point that over 3000 people had died from the vaccine. He based it on information in the VAERS database.

Any of us can access the VAERS database. ANY of us can put entries into the VAERS database to report a potential adverse reaction we BELIEVE might be linked to a vaccine and many people do submit entries but, until they are researched and verified, they mean nothing. That is the purpose of theirs - to find trends. For example, bears is the reason why myocarditis was found to be a side effect of the vaccine

Below our actual entries from the database. If you don't believe me, you can go to the VAERS page and run your own queries and find them.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1032880-1

Received Pfizer 1/22/2021. RNA+ 2/4/2021. S/S SOB, cough, confusion. COVID assoc. resp. failure, stage 4 lung cancer, COPD, HTN, former smoker. patient in hospice and died 2/10/2021.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1037076-1

Resident developed increased confusion on 01/30/2021 that may have been related to vaccine or to residents other medical conditions including dementia, anxiety, shortness of breath, history of lung cancer, and COPD. Sustained a fall with fracture and was transferred to Hospital. Surgical intervention performed to repair hip. Resident returned to Skilled Nursing facility. Did not recover after surgery and family chose palliative measures. Resident died/ expired on 02/09/2021.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1091928-1

Patient was given Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 2/11/21 with no adverse reactions. Pt later died on 3/08/2021 with lung cancer being cause of death.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1091957-1

I'm still not sure which COVID19 vaccine my dad received (It made me fill it out--I'm not sure if he got Moderna or Pfizer). Nursing home would know. He received his 2nd shot on Jan 19. On Feb 17 all was fine and they were planning on getting him crowns at the dentist. On Feb. 19 everything went poorly. He started to suddenly have seizures and was not responsive. When I arrived on Feb 21 he didn't say much and had seizures that night. On Feb 22, he responded a little bit and had a big black eye from a seizure the night before. On Feb 22 he had at least 4 seizures and he passed that afternoon around 1:20 pm

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1118954-1

Patient passed away unrelated to covid vaccine Narrative: 87 YO male has relapse lung cancer and was on radiation therapy and chemotherapy in hospital. Patient received his first dose of Pfizer vaccine on 1/28/2021 (as advised 1.5 weeks after administration of chemotherapy in between cycle) and no adverse reaction was reported. Cause of death not documented. No indication that death was related to COVID 19 vaccination.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1160235-1

Death Narrative:Â Pt passed away ~3 weeks after dose 1 of COVID vaccine (Moderna). Daughter was home with pt and after he went to the bathroom she reports pt was out of breath, however that has been chronic/ongoing for him due to his diagnosis of COPD, pulmonary HTN and metastatic lung cancer. After sitting and resting in a chair, she states patient became unresponsive. She called 911 who told her he had no pulse and was not breathing. She states that they were not able to resuscitate him. Pt had been suspected to be positive for COVID as he had symptoms of increased cough, congestion and rhinitis. Daughter (that is primary caregiver and lives in home with patient) tested positive for COVID on 1/31/21. She started having symptoms on 1/25/21. Patient started having symptoms on 1/31/21. No COVID test confirmed prior to pt's death. Patient had a definitive diagnosis of metastatic adenocarcinoma in October 2020. History of multimorbidity. He did have a 60 pack year history of smoking. Most likely cause of death from available records is metastatic lung cancer, with other serious diagnoses contributing.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1197394-1

Death Narrative:Â Death on 03/22/2021. Patient was a 69 year-old male with history of lung cancer treated with radiation. Recently presented with a right suprahilar lesion Stage III for which he received radiation therapy in 2/2021. He developed a strong cough after radiation treatment and passed from a massive hemoptysis per physician note. He received the 1st dose of vaccine on 03/20/2021 2 days before his death. There is no indication that the event was the result of the vaccine.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1203159-1 Metastatic Lung cancer

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1235817-1

My mother passed away/death cause: natural causes; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer for patient (reporter's mother). A 74-years-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) at age of 74 years old, via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 01Apr2021 11:15 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included Stage 4 metastatic lung cancer, Diabetes type 2, Hypertension. Other medications in two weeks was Yes, while unspecified. The reporter reported that my mother passed away/death cause: natural causes on 05Apr2021 07:00. 4 days after receiving this vaccine. No treatment received. An autopsy was not performed. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination, and Since the vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Information on batch/lot number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: My mother passed away/death cause: natural causes

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1241383-1

Death Narrative:Â 80 yr old metastatic lung cancer, had stopped eating, still wanted vaccine, Died on hospice service. no vaccine complications reported.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1311975-1

After my father received the second COVID vaccination he started complaining of headaches. He had lung cancer, but he was in good condition. Within weeks his health deteriorated and when we bought him for a scan the beginning of March he had two small brain bleeds. The cancer had spread to the brain and he had a mass.  They put a shunt in on March 18th because they said he had fluid, and this was the only treatment. Ten days later he was back in the hospital and after a week we had to take him home on hospice. I think the vaccine could of escalated his cancer this rapidly. Especially because he had two brain bleeds.

COVID19 VACCINE 2021 1370350-1

Heart problems; Breathing problems; Lymph nodes swollen; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) in a 79-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 024m20a and 029I20a) for COVID-19 vaccination.  Concurrent medical conditions included Diabetes, Lung cancer (in remission since November) and Liver disorder (liver problems). On 19-Jan-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 19-Feb-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 14-May-2021, the patient experienced CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) (seriousness criterion death) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) (seriousness criterion death). The patient died on 15-May-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. No relevant concomitant medications were provided. Daughter of the patient reported that the patient passed away after his lymph nodes swollen, had breathing problems, and hart problems. She stated that the patient was in remission of lung cancer since November, and that he was diabetic and had liver problems.

The COVID pandemic sent many people down the vaccine, conspiracy theory/disinformation rabbit hole.

I would certainly agree that a lot of people began to doubt or outright disbelieve the official Covid narrative, which included the notion that the covid vaccines were worth taking.

As I mentioned earlier, Tucker Carlson claimed at one point that over 3000 people had died from the vaccine. He based it on information in the VAERS database.

His estimate was immensely conservative. Here's a number I think was much more accurate:
I would certainly agree that a lot of people began to doubt or outright disbelieve the official Covid narrative, which included the notion that the covid vaccines were worth taking.

His estimate was immensely conservative. Here's a number I think was much more accurate:
Why do you think that number is more accurate?
The fact that they came to this conclusion from data taken from the largest excess mortality study to date has something to do with it. Why not take a look at the article itself?

I looked at it. How many other articles or research have you looked at regarding deaths from vaccines? You brought up VAERS, which is constantly misused by conspiracy theorists and anti-vax loons, and one article that, if you'd done even a little research, has been widely criticized for over looking obvious criteria. So, do you just look for things to support what you want to believe or do you try to find accurate information regardless of whether or not it aligns with what you want to believe?
I looked at it. How many other articles or research have you looked at regarding deaths from vaccines? You brought up VAERS, which is constantly misused by conspiracy theorists and anti-vax loons, and one article that, if you'd done even a little research, has been widely criticized for over looking obvious criteria. So, do you just look for things to support what you want to believe or do you try to find accurate information regardless of whether or not it aligns with what you want to believe?
