Does this remind anyone of any particular group??


Does this remind anyone of any particular group??

Maldives Officials Destroy Underwater Statue Gallery

A unique underwater sculpture garden in the Maldives is being destroyed by police at the request of the country’s outgoing president.

According to a report in, police with pickaxes smashed the British art installation at the Fairmont Maldives Sirru Fen Fushi resort.

The underwater art, made up of sealife-clad human forms that attract divers and snorkelers, inspired complaints from religious leaders in the country, where Islam is the official religion.

Maldives’ outgoing president Abdulla Yameen instructed that the sculptures be removed and destroyed because they are viewed as “idols,” which are banned by the religion.

In issuing the order, Yameen also asserted that there was “significant public sentiment” in opposition to the artwork. As explained, hardline Islam rejects any man-made depiction of the human form. Maldives police posted pictures on social media showing their work destroying the statues.

he sculptures, known as The Coralarium, were located a tidal reef within swimming distance of the Fairmont Maldives Sirru Fen Fushi resort.

They had been created by British artist Jason DeCaires Taylor, who was crestfallen when hearing of their destruction. DeCaires Taylor said the statues had no religious meaning but simply sought to capture the human form and behavior.

“I was extremely shocked and heartbroken to learn that my sculptures have been destroyed by the Maldivian authorities at the Coralarium, despite continued consultations and dialogue,” he told The Guardian. “The Coralarium was conceived to connect humans to the environment and a nurturing space for marine life to thrive.”
The installation was created with the goal of being both a tourist attraction and refuge for sea life. It was lit up at night by an illumination system.


Just asking! :dunno:
Yes. Another example of 'Religion' and the 21st century. You know what I find funny? All these 'images' are against the Will of God ... except when it comes to the Kings and Monarchs, these mother fuckers got their pictures on everything.
Yes. Another example of 'Religion' and the 21st century. You know what I find funny? All these 'images' are against the Will of God ... except when it comes to the Kings and Monarchs, these mother fuckers got their pictures on everything.

You have failed to answer the question, again; but then, maybe you were so scared that you had to scurry back to your safe place with it's little furry stuffed animals and your coloring book. :laugh:
You have failed to answer the question, again; but then, maybe you were so scared that you had to scurry back to your safe place with it's little furry stuffed animals and your coloring book. :laugh:

I thought I did answer the question?

Islam forbids 'images' ... except, apparently, when it comes to their Kings and Princes, they're all over the place. (did that help?)
I thought I did answer the question?

Islam forbids 'images' ... except, apparently, when it comes to their Kings and Princes, they're all over the place. (did that help?)

Nope, you didn't; but then again, you've proven that honest is not part of your character. :good4u:
You know, one thing I've learned is that one can close their eyes to the Truth and then claim, "I didn't see it".

Which has not only been your behavior; but also the behavior of the DNC and other JPP liberals.

Thanks for pointing that out. :good4u:
The Trump Files: When Donald Destroyed Historic Art to ...

The Trump Files: When Donald Destroyed Historic Art to Build Trump Tower “They fell to the floor and shattered in a million pieces.” Max J. Rosenthal July 13, 2016 10:00 AM

sounds like NYC fucked up by not having them declared an historic site.......maybe because instead of priceless art it was a pile of rubble.......