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Villified User
Thompson: U.S. Must Rebuild Military

Aug 21, 12:00 PM (ET)


KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - The U.S. must rebuild its military to fight global terrorism because leaders "took a holiday" in the 1990s after the end of the Cold War, undeclared presidential candidate Fred Thompson told war veterans Tuesday.

"Some people in this country think if we can pull out of Iraq, our problems will be over," Thompson told the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "You and I know better than that."

"Now we're stretched too thin, and our equipment is wearing out," said Thompson, the former Tennessee senator who is expected to announce a decision soon on whether to seek the Republican presidential nomination.

Like Sen. John McCain, who is seeking the nomination and spoke to the vets on Monday, Thompson said the United States should not pull out of Iraq.
"Some people in this country think if we can pull out of Iraq, our problems will be over," Thompson told the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "You and I know better than that."

"Now we're stretched too thin, and our equipment is wearing out," said Thompson, ...

I can't remember hearing or reading anyone saying that, can you? Pulling out of an impossible situation would allow us to focus better on those things that we can control. If we're already stretched too thin, if our equipment is not just wearing out but inadequate, what are we doing to our troops?

To cite an old movie saying, what a maroon!