Does this suprise anyone ?


Villified User
Report: House GOP leaders neglected to protect pages
POSTED: 3:15 p.m. EST, December 8, 2006
Story Highlights
• Ethics panel: Failure was "danger to House pages and to integrity of institution"
• No will be reprimanded because no rules broken, panel says
• Committee: Ex.-Rep. Mark Foley sent "salacious" messages to former pages
• Panel: Many aware of allegations, remained "willfully ignorant" to consequences

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House ethics committee has found that GOP leaders did not break any rules in handling allegations of improper Internet exchanges between former Rep. Mark Foley and former pages, but they were negligent in protecting the teenagers.

No one will be reprimanded, the panel said.
No rules were broken? Really? So these kids are brought in and have no protection against what amounts to a form of sexual predation?

Wow. And here we have to take these stupid sexual harassment training sessions every two years, by law. That's at the state level, but still, it seems that like a lot of other such "laws", it represents only lip service to the principles involved and in truth has no teeth. I'm disgusted.
We need an ethics panel made up of people outside of congress's reach.
This fox guarding the henhouse is just not working.