Dog Toy Alert


This was horrible. There are so many hazards facing our pets that we can foresee; this one was beyond the pale, however.

If you have a dog who loves to play ball, don't buy him/her this one!

The company allegedly has now pulled the product, but their response was pretty weak and corporatespeak denial.
That is horrible! The company should be doing some serious apologizing and writing of checks to this person for Chai's care.

Poor little beast.
I know. That poor poor dog!

Here are a couple of other hazards I learned about in the past week on my Aussie breeder's board:

Don't leave chips bags anywhere that your dog could have access. Apparently even a small bag can be lodged over the dog's nose and mouth and if he can't remove it he can suffocate.

Same for cereal boxes with bags inside.

The people on the board reported this as having happened either to their own dog or someone they knew personally.

My little Border Collie is a gulper. If he has the opportunity he'll swallow things whole; hence we no longer have rawhide treats or anything else that could be swallowed and either lodge in the throat or cause obstruction in the digestive tract. We learned, two years ago, by firsthand experience, how devastating it can be if a dog tries to swallow things she shouldn't. She'd do that sometimes to keep something from the Aussie. I don't think I'll ever get over that.
Our dog Bob (short name because he was a simple dog) got his head stuck in a Wheat Thins bag.

My wife & I left one afternoon, leaving Bob inside. She left her box of wheat thins on the sofa. Bob found them and had polished off all the crumbs when we came home.

He greeted us at the door with the waxpaper bag on his head. He turned and started to run back into the living room but ran smack into the wall.

There were tears in the paper so he wasn't in danger of suffocating, but we nearly did from laughing so hard.

I'll attach a pic of my wife holding him just before we pulled the bag off.

I miss that lil beast.
LOL! Goofy guy! My Aussie is a goof, too, and as sweet and smart as they come. It's time to change my avatar to give him some exposure time. Maybe tomorrow.
LOL! Goofy guy! My Aussie is a goof, too, and as sweet and smart as they come. It's time to change my avatar to give him some exposure time. Maybe tomorrow.

Bob was a goofy little bugger. And as sweet and loving a dog as I have ever owned.

I might change my own avatar to show the dear departed beast.
Soft headed me took in another cat a couple of weeks ago.
Skinny as a rail, but so pitiful he would not run off. Very sweet obviously was a house cat someone dumped. He is sleeping on a rug beside my chair on the porch as I type.
I took him to the vet and had him checked for feline lukemia and such. Was clean.
I would have had him put down if he had a dire disease.

I know the vet well, and his greeting was. "Ohh I see a cat just won the lottery!" :)

I am not agile enough to do a puppy justice now, down to cats...
Well at least still furry little buddies.

On the other hand I had to shoot one stray cat last week that came in beating up on my 2 cats. I had them neutered so I took on the obligation of protecting them.

The animal shelter here won't even accept cats.
Soft headed me took in another cat a couple of weeks ago.
Skinny as a rail, but so pitiful he would not run off. Very sweet obviously was a house cat someone dumped. He is sleeping on a rug beside my chair on the porch as I type.
I took him to the vet and had him checked for feline lukemia and such. Was clean.
I would have had him put down if he had a dire disease.

I know the vet well, and his greeting was. "Ohh I see a cat just won the lottery!" :)

I am not agile enough to do a puppy justice now, down to cats...
Well at least still furry little buddies.

On the other hand I had to shoot one stray cat last week that came in beating up on my 2 cats. I had them neutered so I took on the obligation of protecting them.

The animal shelter here won't even accept cats.

USC, it ain't your head thats soft, its your heart. Glad to see you got a new furry friend.

I had to kill a huge tomcat that was terrorizing the cats my in-laws had adopted. This thing killed at least two of their cats. I shot it with .22 ratshot, thinking it would run it off and it wouldn't be back. All it did was teach it to stay out of range. I ended up using a 7mm deer rifle to take care of this monster. I CAN say that the beast never suffered. lol
It's okay, just don't ever buy that toy!

Hey... wanted to let you know this is the response I got when I emailed the CEO....

Thank you very much for your message.

Like you, Four Paws is deeply concerned about reports of injuries suffered by some dogs as a result of a manufacturing defect in some of our Pimple Ball with Bell toys.

We want you to know that we have stopped shipping these toys to our distributors and we have asked them to have retailers remove the toys from their shelves immediately and return them at our expense.

We have also stopped all shipments of the toys from the manufacturer, and we are sending Executive Vice President Barry Askin to personally inspect the manufacturer’s facility in order to make sure that the defect has been corrected.

We are also changing the packaging of the Pimple Balls to make it easier to inspect them for potential defects, and we are individually inspecting every one of the toys in our inventory in order to identify any that may be defective.

Thank you again for your message and your concern. Please be assured that the safety and well being of pets is our top priority and we are doing everything we can to make sure that this problem is solved as quickly as possible.

Sincerely Yours

Four Paws Products

Allen Simon

Wow! That's much better than the response my friend received from them earlier on. I'll bet they were assailed by letters and e-mails from dog owners and decided that they'd better take this seriously. :)

Yes, we can! :p
Wow! That's much better than the response my friend received from them earlier on. I'll bet they were assailed by letters and e-mails from dog owners and decided that they'd better take this seriously. :)

Yes, we can! :p
