Doggie at the vet after eating Pot brownie


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Doggie at the vet after eating Pot brownie (00:37)

Nick Miranda
217 subscribers
My friend works at a vet and she sent in this video of a dog who had found his owners weed brownies and ate all of them. The dog is safe and back home now

My dog once ate half a sheet cake with no pot in it

Yeah it’s not a drug story but it’s cute

I often make a white sheet cake with whipped cream and blue berries and strawberry’s designed to look like an American flag for the 4th

It was on the island in the kitchen and we went out front to do some cheesey fireworks

I came back in for something and noticed someone had removed half the cake

Like they had taken a knife and carefully cut half the cake and taken it

Through a little detective thinking I realisized it was our puppy

She got on hinders and are and ate and ate what she could reach

Lapping every little crumb her tongue could reach

I swear it was such a straight line it looked cut with a knife

We rolled on the floor laughing at her

She always hated being laughed at

She was the smarted dog I ever had

And what a beauty

Damn I’m tearing up

I miss her even after all these years
he was panting, rocking from paw to paw, looking around, yeah he was stoned, but dogs don't understand "stoned" and he was exhibiting high anxiety, no he was not smiling.

At the age of 6, I exhibited high anxiety when I was introduced to taking showers instead of bathing in the tub.

But I got over it and came to like it.

And I was yelling and screaming and waving my arms and running around and away from the shower stream.

It was a sensory deluge and too much for me to handle.

After a week or so, I would ask the doggie if he wanted to try some more.
They ran re-runs of this show in syndication in the 1960's.

Topper (TV series)

Topper is an American fantasy sitcom television series based on the 1937 film Topper, which was based on two novels Topper and Topper Takes a Trip by Thorne Smith. The series was broadcast on CBS from October 9, 1953, to July 15, 1955, and stars Leo G. Carroll in the title role. It finished at #24 in the Nielsen ratings for the 1954–1955 season.[1] Topper also earned an Emmy nomination for Best Situation Comedy in 1954.[2]

Sophisticated but stuffy Cosmo Topper (Carroll) is the vice president of City Bank, married to sweet (but rather clueless) Henrietta (Lee Patrick). They live in a Los Angeles house they bought from the estate of a young couple, George and Marion Kerby (real life husband and wife Robert Sterling and Anne Jeffreys), who died after being swept away by an avalanche. A St. Bernard, Neil, who attempted to rescue them also died with them. Topper discovers his new home is haunted by the ghosts of the former occupants as well as Neil. Strangely, he is the only one able to see or hear them. Neil, the St. Bernard, loves martinis and a running gag is the invisible dog lapping up the drink.

The Kerbys try to bring some excitement and joy into the life of stodgy and conservative Topper. The ghosts cause strange (but humorous) events to happen, which an embarrassed Cosmo has to try to explain to others baffled—and even frightened—by them.