Dollar Sign Officially Added To LGBTQ$ Acronym

Yeh that's it Froggy, even though it clearly states that it's the Babylon Bee ffs. What's the next one up from imbecile, that's you, that is! Trump confessing he stole classified material and hid them from authorities, you are confessing that you posted satire on Current events and sold it as truth?
Why would they do that?

The $ would be more appropriately added to the black liars matter group because there is tons of money to be made in race hustling. Ask sharpton or the blm lady that bought that mansion with donations. Although bud light lost lots of $ going woke.
The $ would be more appropriately added to the black liars matter group because there is tons of money to be made in race hustling. Ask sharpton or the blm lady that bought that mansion with donations. Although bud light lost lots of $ going woke.

Your hatefulness toward African-Americans, the LGBTQ+ community and anyone else who isn't white, male and bigoted indicates you are very, very unhappy. I doubt hating others will make you any happier. You should consider therapy or answering Albert Camus's philosophical question.
The $ would be more appropriately added to the black liars matter group because there is tons of money to be made in race hustling. Ask sharpton or the blm lady that bought that mansion with donations. Although bud light lost lots of $ going woke.

See post 9
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Your hatefulness toward African-Americans, the LGBTQ+ community and anyone else who isn't white, male and bigoted indicates you are very, very unhappy. I doubt hating others will make you any happier. You should consider therapy or answering Albert Camus's philosophical question.

Johnny could only sing one note
And the note he sang was this


Poor Johnny one note sang out with gusto
And just overlorded the place
Poor Johnny one note, yelled willy nilly
Until he was blue in the face
For holding one note was his ace

Couldn't hear the brass
Couldn't hear the drum
He was in a class, by himself, by gum
Johnny could only sing one note
No kidding. LOL

My first post in this thread, was an expression of my opinion that the reason Disney cast The Little Brown Actress as The Little Brown Mermaid, was because they caved to pressure from the woke (black & gay) elements in society..
Well, I think you're still missing or ignoring the point.

I'll repeat... It's not that a given role is BEING played by a black actor...

It's WHY a given role is being played by a black actor.








Bowing to demands.

Doing something that is not a first choice or natural fit just to make a small but loud minority happy.

That ^^^^ is MY issue with it.

Black actors getting lead acting roles is fine with me in and of itself.

I find it very revealing about what kind of people you and a handful of the other proggie, extreme left, woke Nazi drama queens around here are, simply by the way you come unglued over other people's opinions.

This all started after I had the temerity to suggest that maybe Disney was bowing to woke social pressure when they cast the little brown actress as a mermaid. That was all I said. Judging by the reaction out of the woke Nazis like yourself and a few others, you'd have thought I was advocating forced castration and genital mutilation for all alphabet fairies and shipping black people back to Africa.

Which is truly ironic when you consider that it is YOU WOKE NAZIS who are advocating for castration and genital mutilation, not only for yourselves and at taxpayer expense no less, but for CHILDREN as well!!!!

You fucking people are SICK!!!!

At any rate, I don't have to defend my opinions to sobbing crybabies like you or your ilk. If you delicate little flowers can't deal with me not agreeing with your gay agenda or my laughing at you for being such pathetic, limp-wristed crybabies and fairies who can't figure out which gender you are or wish you were or whatever, feel free to go fist fuck yourselves until you feel better.

I don't give a flying rat's ass about you or what you think of me or my opinion.
It appears you do give a rat's ass. :rofl2:
No kidding. LOL

It appears you do give a rat's ass. :rofl2:
