APP - Dolphin Caught in Fishing Line Approaches Divers for Help

That is so amazing, and beautiful. It always fascinates me how intelligent dolphins are. If only we could get them on a computer I bet they could post some really interesting stuff!
it's a shame that most people can't be this kind to animals. as an animal rescuer myself, i've seen too many tragic cases of abuse and torture inflicted on animals, pitbulls especially, simply because people think it's fun.
it's a shame that most people can't be this kind to animals. as an animal rescuer myself, i've seen too many tragic cases of abuse and torture inflicted on animals, pitbulls especially, simply because people think it's fun.

my weakness is cats

all of the cats that are and have been in our household have been 'rescue' cats

i know all too well how some people abuse animals

i suppose that in some sick way it makes them feel good

my mother was even more of a sucker for cats

she lived in a large house on 5 acres and at one time had 40 cats (her vet would come out to give them their shots), most of them she kept for a humane society that would provide cats to good homes