Don Jr. is on coke, right?

I'd be careful if I was him, his daddy advocates for the death penalty for drug users. Not that trump cares about him at all.
The bag was in a restricted area.
The substance was found near the ground floor entrance to the West Wing, a person familiar with the matter said. The location is where staff-led tours of the White House pass through on their way into the building.

The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.

Sources had previously described the substance as a white powder found in a small, zipped bag. It was found by Secret Service personnel conducting routine rounds of the building.

I gotta admit that there was a time in my life where I was...experimenting.

Did a forest of pot...and when I had a job where lots of coke was available for me free...did a reasonable amount of that also.

That was over 40 years ago. Not sure how I survived, but I did.

Now I do none of that stuff. For the last 25 years, I seldom drink more than a beer a month or less...and a glass of wine or less a month. Same thing for coffee, by the way. I may do a pina colada or two during the summer. None so far this summer.