APP - Donald Trump Has Become America's Spine.

philly rabbit

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I have never seen a political candidate with this much guts and fortitude to hold his ground as a messenger for the middle class of this country like Donald J. Trump. Trump is totally unwavering in the face of the largest full scale attack on a candidate by the political establishment in America's history.

Trump is fighting the establishment media, Republicans, the Democrats, the globalists, the billionaires, and the special interests all at the same time and he is not only still standing, but he is unwavering and determined in his fight against all the forces that do not care one iota about Americans in the middle class but are only concerned about their own selfish interests. The media is attacking Trump at every turn and taking everything he says out of context to use it against him in their undying lust to protect Hillary Clinton, their star, bought and payed for by Wall Street.

The established Democrats are spending multi millions of dollars on attack ads against Trump in the battle states and even on Fox News the never trump voices from people like George Will are louder than ever. But Donald Trump fights on with his message that the we the people should claim rightful ownership of this country's government.

He is our champion and our messenger.