Donald Trump Jr., right-wing media use Russia's invasion of Ukraine to attack the U.S

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
While anti-war protestors flood the streets throughout Russia, and Ukrainian citizens are conscripted to fight off a foreign invasion, Donald Trump Jr., Ben Shapiro, and Steve Bannon are using the attack on Ukraine as a springboard to voice their right-wing views on anti-LGBTQ+ inclusion in the U.S.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been vocal in his anti-LGBTQ+ politics for years, is finding his opinions on the matter signal boosted by right-wing conservatives. Rather than touting Donald Trump's recycled "America First" ethos to diffuse a war already at hand, his eldest son is fueling further aggression and intolerance in the world.
Who can resist a post, any post, with Junior in the title.

It is hard to understand how the wingers have been so easily played by Trump, but when you see Junior doing the same thing it is a mindbender, no one could be that drunk on the Kool Aid to even consider Junior anything but a cork