Donald Trump Stalwarts Finally Turn On Him After Hutchinson's Testimony

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
There are signs that Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony to the January 6 panel on Tuesday has prompted a number of supporters of Donald Trump and conservative media outlets to stop defending the former president's actions.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former Acting Chief of Staff, explicitly stated that he can no longer support Trump in the wake of Hutchinson's testimony.

"I've been defending the president against the charges of incitement to riot. I've seen the same speech he's given dozens of times. I've seen him accused of trying to foment violence with no violence coming as a result, so I've been defending him," Mulvaney told CBS Mornings on Wednesday.

Sarah Matthews, a deputy press secretary in the Trump administration, tweeted that those who are attempting to downplay Hutchinson's role or her access in the West Wing "either doesn't understand how the Trump WH worked or is attempting to discredit her because they're scared of how damning this testimony is."

Even the Rupert Murdoch press, which includes some of the staunchest supporters of Trump, appeared to acknowledge the damage Hutchinson's testimony inflicted.

The Washington Examiner, another right-wing news outlet, published an editorial arguing that Hutchinson's testimony shows that Trump is "unfit to be anywhere near power ever again."

"Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again," the piece added.
Here's the thing:

If this were a truly inclusive hearing, the MAGA folk would have harped on the fact that a large part of her testimony was hearsay .... what she was told by a second party.

I hope that there is enough corroborating testimony from people who were there (1st person) for this.

That being said, I was enlightened that Dump was kept from joining the mob of yahoos by the Secret Service (doing their job) and NOT because he wimped out and went to the safety of the White House by choice.

Shows just how FUBB this guy really is.
There are signs that Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony to the January 6 panel on Tuesday has prompted a number of supporters of Donald Trump and conservative media outlets to stop defending the former president's actions.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former Acting Chief of Staff, explicitly stated that he can no longer support Trump in the wake of Hutchinson's testimony.

"I've been defending the president against the charges of incitement to riot. I've seen the same speech he's given dozens of times. I've seen him accused of trying to foment violence with no violence coming as a result, so I've been defending him," Mulvaney told CBS Mornings on Wednesday.

Sarah Matthews, a deputy press secretary in the Trump administration, tweeted that those who are attempting to downplay Hutchinson's role or her access in the West Wing "either doesn't understand how the Trump WH worked or is attempting to discredit her because they're scared of how damning this testimony is."

Even the Rupert Murdoch press, which includes some of the staunchest supporters of Trump, appeared to acknowledge the damage Hutchinson's testimony inflicted.

The Washington Examiner, another right-wing news outlet, published an editorial arguing that Hutchinson's testimony shows that Trump is "unfit to be anywhere near power ever again."

"Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again," the piece added.

which one was the "stalwart"......