
In Yo Face!
What a Fucking Dirtbag this asshole is ...

“My phone rings and this guy goes, ‘Hey, Christie, it’s The Donald.’ I say, ‘Hi, Billy,’ because I was dating Billy at the time,” Brinkley told Porter magazine (via Harper’s Bazaar). “But the voice goes, ‘No, no. It’s The Donald. I hear you’re leaving for Aspen tomorrow. I am too. I’d like to give you a ride on my private jet.’

Major Sleaze Alert: if someone who refers to himself in the third person while attempting to ask you out. Is it any wonder all of his wives were/are foreign? Foreign women aren't able to spot the red flags since they aren't familiar with American culture and "The Donald" takes advantage of that.
Most of us know who and what Trump is. It is the rightys who can close their eyes to everything he does. It must be tough on ones self to do that over and over. Trump is a wealthy dirtbag.
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Trump has always been a d-bag. But damn he's been with some fine women. Hate the game not the player
What a stupid thread; so let me get this straight, Trump is smarmy for offering a woman who has been through FOUR short marriages a ride to Aspen on a private 757?

That is beyond weak sauce you morons.

Before dating Joel #1, Brinkley was married once to Jean-François Allaux #2, a French artist. They wed in 1973 and divorced in 1981. Brinkley had a year-long marriage to real estate developer Richard Taubman #3 from 1994 to 1995. She married a fourth time, to architect Peter Halsey Cook #4, in 1996. They divorced in 2008.
Not at all. They're very lovely. I'm not buying your assertion that being a disgusting perv horndog is in any way admirable.

Game is game. Some guys have it some guys don't. When you break it down some guys have little game but their fame or money speaks for them. From a man to man perspective game is to be recognized (as it was once said)
He offered her a ride, she said she already had arranged flights. Seriously? This is the "new" controversy? How desperate are you?

I don't like the smarm (as she describes it, "I have gold everywhere, etc."... ) either, but seriously? He was "flirty"? Dang.
I'm not sure OP is morally superior to anyone in the horndog department.

:3d: ... and we know why there's no Black DNA in you, because my deposit was down her throat and up her Ass.

Santorini Greece; Just rest and relaxation on a Lagoon Charter with a Cook, plenty of Beer, Cigars ... and looking at Heavenly Bodies

We've already started Fucking the shit out of your Women and eliminating your Race with the children ...