Donald Trump: Worst President in U.S. History


in just 18 months, Donald Trump has established himself as the worst President in history, according to the political scientists of the American Political Science Association. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives. Abraham Lincoln, unsurprisingly, takes the top prize. Mr. Nixon sits at 33.

The study, conducted every four years, surveys social science researchers from the American Political Science Association’s section on presidents and executive politics. It asks the experts to rank each president’s greatness on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being great, 50 being average, and 0 being a total failure.

“Mr. Trump averaged a score of 12.34, bumping James Buchanan – the president who saw the US descend into the Civil War – out of the bottom spot. The result comes just months after Trump finished his first year in office as the most unpopular president in modern history.

If American government were a reality show, Trump would be the Biggest Loser.
I gotta say something nice about the abomination at some this is it:

Never has any person so justly and rightly deserve the title, The Worst President in U.S. History.

He has earned it...every letter of it!
Trump judges his success by his bank account,. he and his family are making big bucks during this presidency. This is a very successful presidency. just not for America. We are unfriendly to our long term allies. We like dictators. We want to cripple NATO. We are installing tariifs against our long time trading partners. Obama handed a vibrant economy over to trump and he is in the process of fucking it up. That is because he is unqualified for the job. He is bustering his way through one mess after another. This will end badly.
Hello rjhenn,

in just 18 months, Donald Trump has established himself as the worst President in history, according to the political scientists of the American Political Science Association. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives. Abraham Lincoln, unsurprisingly, takes the top prize. Mr. Nixon sits at 33.

The study, conducted every four years, surveys social science researchers from the American Political Science Association’s section on presidents and executive politics. It asks the experts to rank each president’s greatness on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being great, 50 being average, and 0 being a total failure.

“Mr. Trump averaged a score of 12.34, bumping James Buchanan – the president who saw the US descend into the Civil War – out of the bottom spot. The result comes just months after Trump finished his first year in office as the most unpopular president in modern history.

If American government were a reality show, Trump would be the Biggest Loser.

While this is what we liberals want to hear, we must understand where this comes from. Most of the respondents are liberal:

"The 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics from December 22, 2017 to January 16, 2018. Respondents were current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics.
320 respondents were invited to participate, and 170 usable responses were received, yielding a 53.1% response rate. "


"There is more interesting variation when we move our comparison to the different partisan and ideological groups within the 2018 survey. In order to identify these groups, we asked respondents two questions. The first asked which political party the respondent considered themselves a part of. The results showed that 57.2% (95/166) of respondents were Democrats, while 12.7% were Republicans (21/166), 27.1% were Independents (45/166), and 3% (5/166) selected Other as theiroption. The second question asked whether the respondent ideologically considered themselves to be liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, or conservative. The results of this question showed that 32.5% (54/166) consider themselves ideologically liberal, while 25.9% (43/166) consider themselves somewhat liberal, and 24.1% consider themselves moderate (40/166). Only 5.4%(9/166)consider themselves ideologically conservative, while 12% (20/166) say they are somewhat conservative. "

This is not a national survey. It indicates that within this group of individuals, Trump is the worst president.

He most certainly is in my view as well!

But for whatever reason, he is seen as doing a good job by 43.5% of Americans, according to the RCP average of major polls. A very sad figure, in my view.
Hello rjhenn,

While this is what we liberals want to hear, we must understand where this comes from. Most of the respondents are liberal:

This is not a national survey. It indicates that within this group of individuals, Trump is the worst president.

He most certainly is in my view as well!

But for whatever reason, he is seen as doing a good job by 43.5% of Americans, according to the RCP average of major polls. A very sad figure, in my view.

It is libs because the right has not been shaken out of their blind belief yet. They ignore the parts they don't like, even pretending they are not really happening, The last person to know they are conned is the person being taken. They argue and fight with friends who tell them. They think you don't know what is really going on.In the end, they are harmed and losers. but many still do not admit what the rest know.

I guess the rightys want NATO destroyed. They want us to be at odds with Europe and friendly with Russia and NK. They want the wealthy to get more money and power. Perhaps they think someday, that will be them.
Hello Nordberg,

It is libs because the right has not been shaken out of their blind belief yet. They ignore the parts they don't like, even pretending they are not really happening, The last person to know they are conned is the person being taken. They argue and fight with friends who tell them. They think you don't know what is really going on.In the end, they are harmed and losers. but many still do not admit what the rest know.

I guess the rightys want NATO destroyed. They want us to be at odds with Europe and friendly with Russia and NK. They want the wealthy to get more money and power. Perhaps they think someday, that will be them.

Well said.

I do believe there is that effect about making sure it is great for the rich due to an unjustified belief that one day it will be them. It is sad to see people buying $20 or $50 worth of lotto tickets. Ya wanna step up and tell them not to waste their money. If you're lucky, you are lucky. One ticket is all you need to prove you are not. And even then, it is not wise to even get one per week. Bad habit. If this is what people are pinning their hopes on they don't know what to do with it if they win.
Hello rjhenn,

While this is what we liberals want to hear, we must understand where this comes from. Most of the respondents are liberal:

This is not a national survey. It indicates that within this group of individuals, Trump is the worst president.

He most certainly is in my view as well!

But for whatever reason, he is seen as doing a good job by 43.5% of Americans, according to the RCP average of major polls. A very sad figure, in my view.

You have to understand what the standards are they judge by. they spell it out. Trump is a hot mess.
Hello rjhenn,

While this is what we liberals want to hear, we must understand where this comes from. Most of the respondents are liberal:

This is not a national survey. It indicates that within this group of individuals, Trump is the worst president.

He most certainly is in my view as well!

But for whatever reason, he is seen as doing a good job by 43.5% of Americans, according to the RCP average of major polls. A very sad figure, in my view.

But, again, this is a group of "experts in presidential politics". Not the unwashed masses that Trump draws his support from or even the general class of voters.
Hello rjhenn,

While this is what we liberals want to hear, we must understand where this comes from. Most of the respondents are liberal:

This is not a national survey. It indicates that within this group of individuals, Trump is the worst president.

He most certainly is in my view as well!

But for whatever reason, he is seen as doing a good job by 43.5% of Americans, according to the RCP average of major polls. A very sad figure, in my view.
Note that even those in this poll who identified as Republicans or conservatives only rated Trump as 40th.
I heard someone recently say that Trump was number two in the worst category. Andrew Jackson got the top spot. In our modern time he surely is the worst unless padding your hotels pockets and golfing on the taxpayer's dime were positives.


“Although I’d hoped he could have risen to the occasion, it’s clear Trump is unwilling or unable to demonstrate even the most basic level of discipline, character and judgment necessary to lead our great nation. He is unsound, uninformed, unhinged and unfit to be president of the United States, and I am withdrawing my support for him.” Tim Pawlenty
Hello rjhenn,

Note that even those in this poll who identified as Republicans or conservatives only rated Trump as 40th.

There was strong resistance from the Republican status quo against Trump during the primaries. That sentiment has not gone away. The next successful Republican candidate will be campaigning on bringing dignity back. A word not in Trump's lexicon.
Hello rjhenn,

But, again, this is a group of "experts in presidential politics". Not the unwashed masses that Trump draws his support from or even the general class of voters.

And that is so good to hear. As if morals and budget responsibility have not been completely abandoned after all.