Donald Trump's Military Parade

If Trump wants a military parade, it should be all the trust fund baby chicken hawks like him.

If Trump wants a military parade, it should be all the cowardly, pampered trust fund baby chickenhawks like him who had their daddies pay doctors to write them excuses to keep them out of war but are now brave with OTHER people's lives.

Dick Cheney could be the grand Marshall.

And George W. Bush could do a fly over since he joined the Air National Guard but checked the box that said he did NOT want to go to Vietnam-- but later he did want to send thousands of our troops to be killed and maimed and killed likely over a million Iraqis.

Then after the parade, we can load them all up in military transports, and drop them wherever Trump plans to start a war.
The parade is about Trump, not the military. Trump knows TV, not how to run a country. The visual of the soldiers marching by and saluting him would be great TV. Our draft dodger in chief would look like a real military leader. He looks like Mussolini anyway. Despots know what they get from a parade. It would waste millions, but not his money. He does not pay taxes. Reality TV is his field. The soldiers would have to spend endless hours practicing drills to show off in front of the Trump. What a waste.
I cannot think of a single 20-something year old who wants to march in a parade. Obviously, this half witted idea was Trump's own way to indulge his fragile ego.


You mean nothing. Of course if you are a John Wayne type, you may thing war is antiseptic and glorious. We don't bring people back with horrible mental problems because they are at peace with killing. We don't waste the public money on the military without consequences.