APP - 'Donald Trump’s Plan To Destroy America'

Any interesting speculative read.

'Phase 1: Trump seizes control of the government.

Second, Trump would govern without Senate advice and consent.'

Rest in link - Think about this given Trump's attempt to overthrow the election.

"Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism." Joe Biden

Agreed, that was the plan. Trump, being both a nutjob and a dumbass, thought it would work.
Any interesting speculative read.

'Phase 1: Trump seizes control of the government.

Second, Trump would govern without Senate advice and consent.'

Rest in link - Think about this given Trump's attempt to overthrow the election.

"Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism." Joe Biden
He’s done. It was an experiment that failed .
more fantasies . Which party wants to federalize all elections to a uniform standard, bypassing the Constitution?
It aint Trump or the Republicans
Are you saying he was elected illegitimately?

‘16 was rigged for trump?

He meaning Biden? No. Just that Trump was lying his ass off claiming he was stupid enough to let the Democrats steal the election from him.

No rigging in 2016 or 2020.
May be a bit dystopian, but seeable, especially given the complete fidelity of the GOP and Murdoch that would make it all possible
Five issues with this article and line of thinking.

1. The author is basing this evidence off of “experts” he won’t identify which is a common tactic journalists use to simply make up whatever they want. If these experts were so worried about Trump then why wouldn’t they want to be identified.

There are plenty of experts who openly profess their hate for Trump.

2. The author claims all these events are plausible but they were also plausible during Trumps first term and it never happened and he gives no reason why it would be more likely this time.

3. The president is not a king, he can be stopped at any time by congress on any action at any time, even his use of war powers.

For a take over to happen he would need the full support of a supermajority in Congress then fix elections so that he could maintain that supermajority.

4. Any coup would require the full support of the military and no president will ever have that especially during a takeover of our government.

5. A complete takeover of our nation would cause almost all other nations to sanction us meaning our economy would completely collapse. There are too many nations who use our specific governing style to their advantage.

This entire article is nothing but a liberal fear monger rant