Donkets energised but worried


New member
Donkeys energised but worried

As well they should be.

They fell for the siren's song of free everything paid for by the evil rich but are starting to realize that as wonderful as it sounds, nirmal people realize that bats will fly out their butts before this ever happens.

To compound this, the most normal candidate is showing Alzheimers symptoms and cant keep his hands to himself.


All lathered up and not a razor in sight.

So mow what ?

Realize it aint happening and...

run the phoopfter to look all progressive and then throw him on the scrap pile with Hillary, Kerry, Ducakas et al ?

Run the new age kook ?

Run the asian guy?

Run Tulsie since she's on the edge of normal ?

Or... just forfeit and save the money ?

Decisions decisions....
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Trump will win, they will cry, it will all be great fun.

If you think it's been bad since Trump won in 2016 (It HAS been bad. The Loser Liberal Loons have been whining and crying EVERY day since their Dear Killery was defeated.) can you IMAGINE what the reaction will be when Trump is re-elected next year? It will be wonderful to behold!
If you think it's been bad since Trump won in 2016 (It HAS been bad. The Loser Liberal Loons have been whining and crying EVERY day since their Dear Killery was defeated.) can you IMAGINE what the reaction will be when Trump is re-elected next year? It will be wonderful to behold!

They will be apoplectic. Perhaps mass suicides. That would be fine with me.

Prepare for mass voter fraud too.
Yeah, every SJW with a computer will be goggling "how to hack like a Ruskie".
Im looking for DJT to counter with a harder look at tallies vs demographics. Precinct by precinct.
All stops will cetainly be pulled.

Yep. A big part of mass voter fraud will be the False Flag operations, so that when Trump wins they will point to their OWN fraud and blame the Russkies. There is no devious plot that is beneath these vermin.