Donniston...Donny Boy....

Donny Boy....Strike Three ya are out..never made it to First Base..try harder next time...

Ahhh, how cute. A lover's quarrel. He "didn't make it to first base" with you? What happened? He didn't bring you flowers?

You're right, he should try harder next time. Don't be coy. Let him know you like flowers.
"There you go again"...!

Ahhh, how cute. A lover's quarrel. He "didn't make it to first base" with you? What happened? He didn't bring you flowers?

You're right, he should try harder next time. Don't be coy. Let him know you like flowers.

Stolen from Ronald Reagan when addressing sick liberals...y'all turn everything sexual...guess ya are missing something in your pathetic life! Please see the response by USC...I played with his ball park analogy...guess ya weren't a athelete either...go play with sick Code Pinko!
Maybe try Candy too! Maybe Don can even get to second base with battleboob, with flowers AND candy :room:
"There you go again"...!

Maybe try Candy too! Maybe Don can even get to second base with battleboob, with flowers AND candy :room:

You are one sick puppy...cippie...if ya were a funny guy I would have laughed...but ya are not...!

see:Hey damo thread...take some lessons from USC his post #22 my response #23...then regroup and take your fingure outta the old gutter!
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