APP - Don’t be fooled by Frankens alleged resignation


Former Vice President
Oh the left wants you to think they have found religion on all of this sexual harassment stuff but it is all a political ploy to go after President Trump. This is all being done to revive the good ole “War in Women”

Here is how it will go down.

Step 1: Sacrifice Franken as a sign that this isn’t just politics and the left is REALLY serious

Step 2: Dig up one allegation after another against President Trump

Step 3: Harass every republican running for office in 2018 asking “will you demand that President Trump resign over these allegations”

Step 4: Rinse wash repeat all the time screaming WAR ON WOMEN

It is blatantly obvious.
especially given the fact that democrats lose nothing by having franken step down in michigan. the dem gov will appoint another senator. Lets see them do this in a swing state with a republican governor. I'm holding my breath.