APP - Don't believe the bravado from leftists. They are scared

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
They do not believe the polls. Well anyone who knows anything about politics and polling doesn't really believe that Biden has a 12 point lead. They are designed to discourage and demoralize. Most of these national polls, even if they poll "republicans" poll in a few heavily democrat dominated states like NY and CA. That is how they stack them. They don't tell you what states the call do they?

Think about it. If a national poll were to be truly representative, it should have a sample from every state, otherwise it isn't really a national poll is it?

I have noticed a trend lately and it is being led by Crooked Hillary. They are starting the "Trump won't leave office if he loses" trope. It is all nonsense, but they are doing it. They are also starting the "Trump can't win legitimately" garbage as well. That is what these bogus polls are for. "See Trump cheated. How do you explain him winning when the polls said he was behind by 12 points?".

So why are they doing this you ask? Simple, they are laying the groundwork to challenge the election on every front after Trump wins. Biden just hired 600 lawyers?

Trump should execute an Executive Order declaring any polling station for a federal election is considered a federal building. Why? Because in order to enter a federal building, one most show an ID.