'Don't ever preach to me again!'


In Yo Face!
'Don't ever preach to me again!': Ex-GOP chair tells evangelicals who still support Trump to Shut The Hell Up

Former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele blasted Family Research Council president Tony Perkins for giving President Donald Trump a “mulligan” on paying hush money to former adult film star.

I have very simple admonition: just shut the hell up and don’t preach to me about anything ever again,” Steele suggested.

After telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the outright behavior and lies don’t matter, just shut up!” Steele blasted.

They have no voice of authority anymore for me,” Steele concluded.

Read more: https://www.rawstory.com/2018/01/do...s-evangelicals-still-support-trump-shut-hell/

"It's the best of times, and the worst of times"
Poor Michael...

why poor him

evil religious leaders condoning sin to get a president who hates the poor

who wants children to die of thirst in the desert because they need a home where they don't starve to death nor are murdered

organized religion is the perfect scaffolding for sociopaths to climb to power .

the leaders of this religious bunch are sociopaths who Jesus would not spare the whip on
He's just upset that he screwed up so much he got canned...
The rest of your post makes no sense. As usual.
says it all......

>> Perkins is able to overlook Trump’s personal depravity because the president has signaled support for anti-LGBT and anti-abortion policies promoted by the Family Research Council and other right-wing Christian groups.

Evangelical Christians “were tired of being kicked around by Barack Obama and his leftists,” Perkins said, “and I think they are finally glad that there’s somebody on the playground that is willing to punch the bully.”

Perkins said evangelical leaders believe Trump will enact their policy goals, even if he doesn’t share their religious views, in exchange for their political loyalty.

He said Trump had “delivered” more than any other president of his lifetime, but Perkins singled out Secretary of State Rex Tillerson as a disappointment because he hadn’t worked to halt liberal activism in other countries. <<

LOL...Pool Fowl...just can't stop the obsession...
5 down....you aren't the only one who can count:)
what did Obama say about the remark you idiot liar
If you mean did he "denounce them", he had no choice. He did not abandon him as a person or leave the church. Until later, when the pressure just got to be too controversial, and again, he had no choice politically.
The man sat in Wright's church for 20 years....and I'm sure the inflammatory remarks were there the entire time...He did nothing until he had to. There are dozens of sermons where Wright repeated denounced the United States....
You can buy them, I hear...
If you mean did he "denounce them", he had no choice. He did not abandon him as a person or leave the church. Until later, when the pressure just got to be too controversial, and again, he had no choice politically.
The man sat in Wright's church for 20 years....and I'm sure the inflammatory remarks were there the entire time...He did nothing until he had to. There are dozens of sermons where Wright repeated denounced the United States....
You can buy them, I hear...

post 16

you lied

will god dam your lie?