APP - Don’t let the door..........

Most of the country agrees with trumps view on illegal immigration and disagree with the media and left elites.
Its a losing fight for democrats.

Seattle is corraling its homeless, building fences to keep them out of certain areas, of course like always cities use the excuse its for the safety of the homeless, when in fact its too keep them out of site of business and political districts. Now liberals want to rename them to "campers" and not homeless.
Homeless always seek shelter under bridges, it puts a "roof" over their heads and blocks wind and rain and cold in the winter.

Its disgusting that this country has homeless veterans and millions of other homeless and spends BILLIONS on illegal immigrants, healthcare, education, incarceration and every other handout they get. Along with them keeping wages in the toilet for all working poor.

Seattle is putting fences under its bridges to keep campers out — and some say that’s wrong