Dont Let the Doorknob hit ya in the A$$.. See ya G'man...


New member
Man this cat finally shows some intelligence... Chertoff to step in??? Why not. He's probably the last man on earth that still wants to work for Bush...
"White House spokesmen also misled reporters on Sunday, insisting that there was no truth to the reports."

That's press corps speak for "they lied their asses off again, but, we can't say that because our editors have all been castrated".

Well, the confirmation hearings should be fun.

August 27, 2007
Embattled Attorney General Resigns
WACO, Tex., Aug. 27 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington.

Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, the official said. His decision was not announced immediately announced, the official added, until after the president invited him and his wife to lunch at his ranch near here.

Mr. Bush has not yet chosen a replacement but will not leave the position open long, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the resignation had not yet been made public.

Mr. Bush had repeatedly stood by Mr. Gonzales, an old friend and colleague from Texas, even as Mr. Gonzales faced increasing scrutiny for his leadership of the Justice Department, over issues including his role in the dismissals of nine United States attorneys late last year and whether he testified truthfully about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs.

Earlier this month, at a news conference, Mr. Bush dismissed accusations that Mr. Gonzales had had stonewalled or misled a congressional inquiry. “We’re watching a political exercise,” Mr. Bush said. “I mean, this is a man who has testified, he’s sent thousands of papers up there. There’s no proof of wrong.”

Mr. Gonzales’s resignation is the latest in a series of high-level departures that has reshaped the end of Mr. Bush’s second term. Karl Rove, another of Mr. Bush’s close circle of aides from Texas, stepped down two weeks ago.

The official who disclosed the resignation today said that the decision was Mr. Gonzales’s and that the president accepted it grudgingly. At the same time, the official acknowledged that the turmoil over Mr. Gonzales had made his continuing as attorney general difficult.

“The unfair treatment that he’s been on the receiving end of has been a distraction for the department,” the official said.

As recently as Sunday afternoon, Mr. Gonzales was denying through his press spokesman, Brian Roehrkass, that he intended to leave.

Mr. Roehrkass said Sunday afternoon that he had telephoned Mr. Gonzales about the reports circulating in Washington that a resignation was imminent, “and he said it wasn’t true, so I don’t know what more I can say.”

White House spokesmen also misled reporters on Sunday, insisting that there was no truth to the reports. Aides to senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee said over the weekend that they had received no suggestion from the administration that Mr. Gonzales intended to resign.
It will be interesting to see who would even want the job at this point in time ?

The repubs will want someone who people will respect in there, but who could that be that would accept the job ?
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I'll say what I did in the closed thread...

Just my guess, "I need to spend more time with my family..."
I'll say what I did in the closed thread...

Just my guess, "I need to spend more time with my family..."

You don't think he'll try that do you? I mean, at some point don't you have to have some dignity and not tell clear lies to the whole world?
You don't think he'll try that do you? I mean, at some point don't you have to have some dignity and not tell clear lies to the whole world?
Sure he needs to though. Because he sure as hell isn't going to be allowed to spend it at the DOJ anymore...

See how it works? Not a lie, just a bit of 'spin'. ;)

Man this cat finally shows some intelligence... Chertoff to step in??? Why not. He's probably the last man on earth that still wants to work for Bush...

Bushco is disinigrating.

The next thing to consider is his rplacement. ChertofF I doubt it, he woulld never get conformed, in fact, I can't think of anyone that COULD get confirmed, (and that would want the job.) maybe Brownie??????

Man this cat finally shows some intelligence... Chertoff to step in??? Why not. He's probably the last man on earth that still wants to work for Bush...

Bushco is disinigrating.

The next thing to consider is his replacement. Chertoff? I doubt it, he woulld never get conformed, in fact, I can't think of anyone that COULD get confirmed, (and that would want the job.) maybe Brownie??????
"...Chertoff? I doubt it, he woulld never get conformed..." Oh he's conformed alright... lol...

I wonder who will be the first out with the tell all book... Also, with all these cats out of work maybe someone could write em into a screen play called Bush the musical starring Rappin Rove and the justice'ification boys...
Was Chertoff involved with the Domestic Spying programs?

If so, he will not get comfirmed. If he does, who would then run Dept. of Homeland Security?
Man this cat finally shows some intelligence... Chertoff to step in??? Why not. He's probably the last man on earth that still wants to work for Bush...

After the liberal pinheads have finally gotten what they wanted, you might think they would stop whining so RJS could get some peace around here, butt, I see we are already lined up at the gate in a race to the bottom of the pinhead pile? Who can be first to complain about who is going to replace the American hero, Alberto Gongonzola?

Imagine RJS' amusement as he has perused this thread and found the pinheads have all fallen for the bush bait of "it is going to be chertoff"? While the pinheads are busy gathering intelligensia on Chertoff, Bush will now pull a reverse flip and nominate someone else all together, and the pinheads, just as when RJS solved their online mensa puzzles proving he was one of the 1 percentile, will all stand around with their mouths agape?
After the liberal pinheads have finally gotten what they wanted, you might think they would stop whining so RJS could get some peace around here, butt, I see we are already lined up at the gate in a race to the bottom of the pinhead pile? Who can be first to complain about who is going to replace the American hero, Alberto Gongonzola?

Imagine RJS' amusement as he has perused this thread and found the pinheads have all fallen for the bush bait of "it is going to be chertoff"? While the pinheads are busy gathering intelligensia on Chertoff, Bush will now pull a reverse flip and nominate someone else all together, and the pinheads, just as when RJS solved their online mensa puzzles proving he was one of the 1 percentile, will all stand around with their mouths agape?

American Hero?

Umm who was that woman in FL that helped bush out on the 2000 election ?
I think sh recently lost an election bid and favors must be repaid.