245 years ago, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia.
In that charter, the foundation for our country’s philosophy was laid and the principles that would inform our system of government was enshrined.
It read, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
We must never forget those principles.
They are what makes America unique.
America did not become great because government made it great.
America became great because people made it great.
But our principles are in danger of being dismantled.
Our culture has changed, our civil liberties have been denigrated, and the core values of our Founding Fathers’ vision have been ignored or deemed irrelevant.
Our freedoms have been taken away by excessive government overreach.
In the past year, during the pandemic, DEMOCRAT governors in many states across the country took power they did not legally possess and rewarded themselves with multi-million dollar book deals and self-serving press conferences.
These same DEMOCRATS created one set of rules for citizens while ignoring their own policies so as not to inconvenience themselves.
They supported defunding the police and slandered law enforcement as “systemically racist” while allowing crime and lawlessness to increase. Now they are comically trying to blame Republicans for the crime surge.
The illegitimate Biden regime has exacerbated these problems.
The DEMOCRAT Party has opened our borders to illegal immigrants by offering them incentives to come here while paying American citizens to stay home.
DEMOCRATS created inflation by spending trillions of our tax dollars on radical left-wing causes.
DEMOCRATS mismanaged the pandemic with unscientific policies.
DEMOCRATS created racial division and support indoctrinating our children with the false narrative that America is fundamentally evil.
DEMOCRATS now praises anti-Americans like Gwen Berry
DEMOCRATS canceled the July 4 fireworks that were planned at Mount Rushmor.”
Nancy Pelosi, who seems to be spending most of her time concocting a partisan witch-hunt and removing statues of historical DEMOCRATS from the Capitol Building, has canceled the Independence Day outdoor concert that is regularly held on the Capitol’s west front on July 4. She has also refused to open the fortified Capitol because she doesn't want citizens to know can see how she operates.
Anyone who pushes back against the Left’s radical orthodoxy is now at risk of being indicted as an "insurrectionist".
That's exactly what George III called our ancestors.