"Don't Tase me Bro!" cops Cleared...


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University Of Florida Police Cleared In Use Of Taser On Student

GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- University of Florida police were justified in using a Taser against a student who refused to stop questioning Sen. John Kerry on campus last month, according to a state investigation released Wednesday.

Some had questioned the use of force in using the stun gun against student Andrew Meyer, leading to the investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. A summary of the agency's report was released Wednesday.

"In short, the FDLE determined that our officers acted well within state guidelines," university President Bernie Machen said in a letter to students, faculty and staff.

Two officers who were placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation were reinstated Wednesday, Machen said.

More at link...

Tasers kill people. They shouldn't be used lightly. If he was being kicked out of the place and refused to leave, they should have put handcuffs on him, and drug him out to the cop car, if it were necessary. Tasers, IMHO, should only be used to restrain dangerous people who refuse to give up their weapons.
Refusal to stop questioning? Let's get real people.

Anyone who thinks this action was justified is a sick nazi freak.

"Well he's a punk who was at other demonstrations before" SO the fuck what. That's called freedom of speech and assembly.
That's just scary and basically giving cops the green light to taser people whenever they fancy a buzz.
It looks like tazers are going to be the tool of choice for lazy cops. They're only useful where the person is unarmed. If a person has a knife or a gun then they should be looking at a real gun, not a tazer.

Now, given there's oc spray, batons and handcuffs, why the tazer? I don't get it. Spray is fine, well it works most of the time, nutters and druggies don't feel it but then it's pile on time and baton and handcuffs go to work. A tazer would work I suppose but it does concern me a bit. If you pile on and give someone a biffing then at least you can ease up when they get the message and cry uncle. But with a tazer once it's deployed, zap, that's it, no control over it, the only choice is give them another burst or not?

I suppose it looks a bit tidier than several cops jumping on one bloke and biffing him, but like it not that's how it has to be done absent a disabling instrument like the tazer.

I have now come to the conclusion that tazers are really just meant to enhance pr for cops and they're not really a useful instrument.