Don't treat me like I treated you ! Whine, Whine


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House GOP Shut Out Despite Democrats Promise for Bipartisan Rule

Saturday, January 27, 2007

WASHINGTON — It was 2004 and Democrats were into their 10th year as the minority party in the House when they proposed a bill of rights to ensure their participation in the democratic process.

The GOP ignored them.

Now Republicans, newly demoted to the minority, say they are the ones suffering abuse despite repeated Democratic promises that theirs would be a more open, democratic and inclusive rule.

"It seems," said Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, "over the last three weeks that the more we reach out and offer our hand of bipartisanship, (the more) it is slapped away."

Democrats deny they are seeking retribution for 12 years of perceived slights. They also say they are not reneging on the assertion, in their bill of rights, that bills should go through a process of open hearings and full debate where the minority party can offer amendments.,2933,247498,00.html
House GOP Shut Out Despite Promises

Jan 27, 8:21 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - It was 2004 and Democrats were into their 10th year as the minority party in the House when they proposed a bill of rights to ensure their participation in the democratic process.

The GOP ignored them.

Now Republicans, newly demoted to the minority, say they are the ones suffering abuse despite repeated Democratic promises that theirs would be a more open, democratic and inclusive rule.
Your perspective may be right. Whichever 'side' wins, it should be an 'all or nothing.' I hope both sides get that now. It's all on politics, nothing else should matter. If the dems say, 'War over, over it should be.'
I'll bet that I, or somebody else, started a thread when the Senate went for the President and they started to act like they had control.