APP - Don't worry about the Reagan Foundation hullabaloo

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

As I suspected, like many organizations, it has been hijacked by NeverTrumpers and leftists which are pretty much one and the same these days. Take a look at the board members

- Paul D. Ryan, who was of no use to Trump – or conservativism -- between 2017 and 2019 because Ryan is basically a conservative Democrat who just wants to spend less money than other Democrats. The two men do not like each other.
- Peggy Noonan, who can never get over her sense of revulsion to Trump and is a hardcore NeverTrumper.
- George Shultz, who is a McCain partisan and is so hostile to Trump that he declined to endorse him in 2016.
- Robert Tuttle, who is another remnant of the George W. Bush administration, and who endorsed Hillary in 2016.
- Lachlan Murdoch, who runs Fox News, donated to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign. He's also a George W. Bush supporter. (Which makes him better than his brother, who no longer works at Fox News, and who donated $1.23 million to Biden’s campaign.)
- Gerald Parsky, who is part of the Bush cabal. He was also a McCain supporter and, before that, a Richard Riordan supporter.