Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons


Will work for Scooby snacks
Australian filmmaker John Safran is so fed up with Mormons ringing his doorbell early in the morning that he flies to Salt Lake City Utah and tries to convert Mormons to atheism…. Needless to say, the locals were not pleased.

Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons

On a tangential note, I read something somewhere about an idea to end the Iraq civil war, using Mormons. Bush could send thousands of Mormon missionaries to Iraq to go door to door and proselytize (Bush could call it “Operation Magic Underwear", or something).

Ultimately, with Iraqis hiding in their houses and afraid to open their doors, the sectarian violence will ebb and eventually end.
Australian filmmaker John Safran is so fed up with Mormons ringing his doorbell early in the morning that he flies to Salt Lake City Utah and tries to convert Mormons to atheism…. Needless to say, the locals were not pleased.

Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons

On a tangential note, I read something somewhere about an idea to end the Iraq civil war, using Mormons. Bush could send thousands of Mormon missionaries to Iraq to go door to door and proselytize (Bush could call it “Operation Magic Underwear", or something).

Ultimately, with Iraqis hiding in their houses and afraid to open their doors, the sectarian violence will ebb and eventually end.

LMAO! That's hilarious!

On both fronts.
How funny the shoe on the other foot and they don't like it. Personally I think we've only been bothered by Mormons once that I can remember. If you have churches every where in your country why would you need to do door-to-door? It'd be different if there was like maybe one or you did house meetings or something but it can get ridiculous. I think people coming to your door is worse than telemarkters. If I was to do the door-to-door thing I'd just leave something in your mail box. At least with that you can throw it away and not bother the people home.
They bother the shit out of me.

Them and Jehovah's Witnesses. The Mormons at least came at a decent hour for me.
I had a very low cut halter top on once when these mormon kids came to my door. Poor kids. They were speechless.
I had a very low cut halter top on once when these mormon kids came to my door. Poor kids. They were speechless.

Ha! You tease...was it Brent?

Other fun things to do when Mormons come knocking on your door:

-Pull a Doniston and answer every one of their questions with a "What do you mean by that?"....see how long their Mormon patience lasts.

-Excuse yourself from the door "for a minute", and then don't come back.

-Tell them your deaf, and motion for them to use sign language.