Dorks sure do have a lot to say about absolutely nothing?


I came to band 30 minutes late on the day we were signing up for rooms. All the other rooms were taken so they just put me in a random room. I never really checked on it, I was just really hoping they'd put me in the random room of dorks, and not the random room of gays. Fortunately, my wish came true. Not that there's anything wrong with gay people.

But shit, these people can keep you up. If you show even the slightest interest in world of warcraft or internet gaming you are treated to a 30 minute rant on their views on the subject. Usually stuff that everyone already knows. No level of disinterest can dissuade them from the rant, which by then has become like an infectious disease completely enscapulating their brain. Mostly, I just sat their and said "Uh-huh". That's all that's needed to keep them on their course. I'm just not mean enough to go "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" :(

On the bus, too, I met a girl who will keep you up on that long trip home. Not with sex, but with commentary on everything, and perpetual anger that she's being left out of the DS game. Probably the weirdest person I've ever met, which is a lot coming from me. Well, I guess it wasn't so bad. They orignally had me seated by Jordan. Not that there's anything wrong with gay people.

Sheesh, I hope I don't do stuff like that to you guys.
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