APP - Dose of reality for our lefty friends

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So the prevailing conventional wisdom is that the democrats are storm back and take control of the House. That is what we hear from the Democrat Media Industrial Complex and JPP lefties.

When asked to back up this claim we are told it is because historically sitting Presidents lose seats in their first midterm AND women and millennials are really mad

Also we are told that once the democrat party takes over the House of Representatives they are going to launch investigation after investigation after investigation after investigation into President Trump and even Justice Kavanaugh. Some in the democrat party have advocated for impeaching both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh

So let's break this down

First of all it is not a definite that they will take back the House of Representative. Yes, it is true that the sitting President does lose seats in a midterm, but that may not equate to losing control. The average loss of seats for Democrat Presidents is 30 seats. For Republican Presidents it is 19.

Now let's assume that they are able to take back the House. What then? Do they really want to lead off with investigation after investigation? Oh I am sure that it will make their lefty base happy, but I don't think that is what the rest of America wants

And if they head for impeachment? Well we saw what happened to the GOP when they did it to Clinton

Additionally, I don't see any path to the democrat party taking back the US Senate. In fact, I still maintain that they are likely to lose between 5-7 seats. Given that, impeachment is likely to fail as it will never pass the Senate. Even if there is a BLUE WAVE, they will never get to the 67 votes needed to impeach.

And lefties can say they want to end tax cuts, but they are forgetting that Trump still has a veto pen and there is ZERO chance they get to the numbers needed to override a veto.

Just thought it would be helpful to give a dose of reality to our lefty friends
So the prevailing conventional wisdom is that the democrats are storm back and take control of the House. That is what we hear from the Democrat Media Industrial Complex and JPP lefties.

When asked to back up this claim we are told it is because historically sitting Presidents lose seats in their first midterm AND women and millennials are really mad

Also we are told that once the democrat party takes over the House of Representatives they are going to launch investigation after investigation after investigation after investigation into President Trump and even Justice Kavanaugh. Some in the democrat party have advocated for impeaching both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh

So let's break this down

First of all it is not a definite that they will take back the House of Representative. Yes, it is true that the sitting President does lose seats in a midterm, but that may not equate to losing control. The average loss of seats for Democrat Presidents is 30 seats. For Republican Presidents it is 19.

Now let's assume that they are able to take back the House. What then? Do they really want to lead off with investigation after investigation? Oh I am sure that it will make their lefty base happy, but I don't think that is what the rest of America wants

And if they head for impeachment? Well we saw what happened to the GOP when they did it to Clinton

Additionally, I don't see any path to the democrat party taking back the US Senate. In fact, I still maintain that they are likely to lose between 5-7 seats. Given that, impeachment is likely to fail as it will never pass the Senate. Even if there is a BLUE WAVE, they will never get to the 67 votes needed to impeach.

And lefties can say they want to end tax cuts, but they are forgetting that Trump still has a veto pen and there is ZERO chance they get to the numbers needed to override a veto.

Just thought it would be helpful to give a dose of reality to our lefty friends

Democrats took 40 seats