Double Jeopardy


That movie was retarded. Killing your husband twice is two seperate offenses and two seperate crimes. Even if you were falsely framed the first time, it in no way gives you the right to go and kill them after the fact, because killing them again would have an entirely different set of facts, and therefore it would be an entirely different crime.

To put it in perspective, I once heard of a guy who went to prison for eight years for rape, but DNA later proved him innocent. The women who had been raped had misidentified him at the lineup. Does he have the right to go and rape her however many times he wants (since, of course, all the rapes would be the same crime under this retarded movie logic)? No. Of course not. Have some common fucking sense.
The second rape would be a second crime.

Murder of one person can only happen once.


Which is irrelevant! As amusing as that may seem.

She was ACCUSED of murder, and tried for the crime of THAT SPECIFIC MURDER, which did not happen. If he was a live, she could very well murder him "again". And it would be the same as raping someone twice.
Does he have the right to go and rape her however many times he wants (since, of course, all the rapes would be the same crime under this retarded movie logic)? No. Of course not. Have some common fucking sense.

I say yes. If you are gonna spend 8 years in jail because a woman misidentified you, you should be entitled to a good raping. It's only fair.
Watermark has the epiphany that I had when my girlfriend dragged me to the Blair Witch Project 10 years ago...

Movies are STUPID.