Douchebag Donald Fundraising Strong in Seattle

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Danny Westneat said:
Already Trump has surpassed his total 2016 pool of donors from Washington state, by 31%.

So what, you may be saying, Trump’s not going to win out here anyway. True. But when your fundraising is breaking records, it indicates an intense passion for the candidate, as it did for Bernie Sanders. That counts for a ton in politics*— and likely means Trump is stronger right now than his dismal polls indicate.

It also suggests Trumpism is a force in the state, even as it’s in the minority.
sure.....24/7 negative coverage from the left was a real boost among conservatives........except they will still be doing it......

I suppose you did not know Trump's rallies were given 100 percent coverage from both those networks. They treated it as entertainment because they doubted American were stupid enough to vote for that conman. You and people like you were a shock to America's political system. He got complete free coverage of his embarrassing rallies. You cannot buy that. Even Fox is not covering his rallies like that anymore. It is like watching reruns. Been there, done that. Come up with something new.
I suppose you did not know Trump's rallies were given 100 percent coverage from both those networks.

I suppose you didn't know that the coverage of Trump in the lame stream media was 97% negative.........(by the way, it would appear that most of the voters who did not live in California didn't agree with your assessment of his "embarrassing" rallies)........