Dow closes down 214 on the day

Yep, why I have over half my money in fairly safe stuff.
Less potential profit but less potential loss. and this has been coming for a while.
But what the hey, spinner will make money on oil because of the hurricane season.
So no problems.
Yep, why I have over half my money in fairly safe stuff.
Less potential profit but less potential loss. and this has been coming for a while.
But what the hey, spinner will make money on oil because of the hurricane season.
So no problems.

I recently shuffled mine and timed it well.
I feel for the people just starting out.

Then again I turned 18 in 1975 and faced some really shitty conditions when I was starting.
chevron held up today
there shitty banks need to be crushed
I'll be waiting at the exits to buy after a few more big down days and folks screaming like the roof is caving.
There is alot more of this to come Im affraid
I'm trying super hard to remember the last time a Liberal Democrat posted when the stock markets were up and I realized I don't even remember a time when one of them posted ANY good economic news.

You live for bad shit don't you Desh?