on indefiniate mod break
the king of thailand is a piece of shit and a total loser. Down with tyrant kings! Tom, of JPP forums, also known as havana moon, agrees with my analysis.
'Tom' uses a squat toilet, does what his Thai wife tells him to do, and has his head way up in the Queen of England's ass. (But claims he's 'Irish' and expects people to believe it)

I think this is like his fourth Queen. This is their wedding, she crawls on all fours towards and, while seated he touches her forehead, then they're united for all time, it's like he's finally found that fifth piece of his soul. Romantic.

Also she was given the title of General in the Army for some reason. I think all his wives are generals. It must be cringey being an actual military person having to pretend as if the king's fourth thot deserves your undying respect.
'Tom' uses a squat toilet, does what his Thai wife tells him to do, and has his head way up in the Queen of England's ass. (But claims he's 'Irish' and expects people to believe it)

I have an Irish passport you fucking cunt!! I hope you get a dose of CV19 and die!
the king of thailand is a piece of shit and a total loser. Down with tyrant kings! Tom, of JPP forums, also known as havana moon, agrees with my analysis.

Agreed on both counts. I've seen Havana Moon support kicking out the King.
Imagine being Northern Irish and actually bothering to go through the process of getting an Irish passport.

Wait, did you literally get an Irish passport for access to the schengen EU nations? You know you could've avoided that step by just like not voting for Brexit? I'm sure every young person in the country is happy some old fart took that ability away from them because Syrians on the telly made him mad back in 2015, but then doubles up and specially retains that privilege just for himself using some sort of accident of birth and confusing national situation to abuse it so he alone retains freedom of travel he denied to all other britons.
Imagine being Northern Irish and actually bothering to go through the process of getting an Irish passport.

Wait, did you literally get an Irish passport for access to the schengen EU nations? You know you could've avoided that step by just like not voting for Brexit? I'm sure every young person in the country is happy some old fart took that ability away from them because Syrians on the telly made him mad back in 2015, but then doubles up and specially retains that privilege just for himself using some sort of accident of birth and confusing national situation to abuse it so he alone retains freedom of travel he denied to all other britons.

My mother was born on Tipperary and my father in Mayo, idiot!
Tom you literally told me you want too give the king of thailand AIDS!

The kingdom of thailand eats americas shit, they are all a bunch of losers!
My mother was born on Tipperary and my father in Mayo, idiot!

Furthest my family history goes back is some guy (I'm guessing a pos planter of some sort) who was born in Antrim in 1729. Eventually he came over to South Carolina on a boat like the Pilgrims! Except if the pilgrims boat were full of slaves, instead of Pilgrims. His son was also born in Dungannon in County Tyrone, so I'm assuming he went to Tyrone at some point for some reason.

Little did he know that hundreds of years down the line his progeny would be taking dick from Tyrone! Maybe even one of the descendants of those fellows my ancestor had taken along on their merry journey to the NEW WORLD. Charming.

My family history also says that he was a friend of Thomas Paine. He was not a friend of Thomas Paine. Later on his son would become a trader and real friends with the Indians and Andrew Jackson. Or in reality, he made some money off dem dumb redskins and, while he most definitely probably did worship Andrew Jackson like my mom worships Trump, because Jackson was promising to kill all the Indians and give people like him stolen land, it is doubtful in the extreme that Andrew Jackson knew his name or was in any way aware of his existence.

Eventually according to my family history, Andrew Jackson and the Indians tragically got into a big battle, and my ancestor would have to watch on helplessly as the Indians he loved (oh so loved according to the doubtlessly accurate account in my family history) were tragically slaughtered by Andrew Jackson. Yep I'm sure he was truly brokenhearted over the affair and had no involvement in it. Then he almost immediately afterward established a homestead about 50 miles north of where I was born in Mississippi, on what was totally not stolen Indian land from his Indian bros he'd just been torn up about watching his friend Andrew Jackson tear up, and proceeded to live the life of an independent American man and rugged settler who didn't need no government and did it all himself. He also still had at least one slave at this point btw.

Thanks to Jackson who ended the previous policy of big government tyrannically taking away my ancestors freedom by discouraging people from murdering Indians and stealing their land, just letting freedom take its course and getting the government out of the way by sending in the army and slaughtering all the Indians so that the settlers could freely steal their land and just mind their own business without any interference.

This is more or less the origin story of most strains of American conservatism if you can't tell. Charming ideology, a true contribution to world civilization. Endless entitlement and dependency, confused with self-sufficiency.

I'm honestly annoyed a bit with your ancestors for sucking so hard at the Irish rebellion in 1641 that yours couldn't even kill my ancestors and just had to keep getting cucked by a bunch of inbred future rednecks from Scotland. I know I have a great uncle who's entire house is adorned with Irish memorabilia, the color green, four leaf clovers, and gaellic inscriptions. Like I just really don't have the heart to tell this fucker that in fact our ancestors were planters and we were Scottish or English mongrels you retard who settled the area, and sucked so hard at settling it that we had to run off and steal someone else's land within like a century of doing so. Like they would've spat at you if you would've called them Irish, do we look like fucking Papists you retard? Oh yeah, we're fucking Papists and you're screaming at Church about how your washed in blood and Jesus forgives THROUGH FAITH ALONE, yeah that sounds a lot like fucking Papism. We literally probably have distant cousins still in Belfast who's biggest yearly celebration of when the Protestant King of England came and crushed the last pathetic attempt at a native Catholic uprising (pathetically lead by the former King of England, except he was a Papist). They probably voted for fucking Brexit and Ian Paisley and have family members who still know, but absolutely will not tell, the whereabouts of the Ulster Volunteer Forces weapon caches.

Our name? It sounds Irish because their lord was a super cucked gael who literally just planted his own county with English for the English and so was rewarded and was one of the few allowed to keep his own land. When our ancestors came to South Carolina with a boat load of slaves and they were asked for their family name, well they were peasant scum with mononyms, the only thing they could remember was their landlord. We weren't the Kings of fucking Ireland you retard, anymore than any of the black people in the area with that last name were Kings of Ireland (hint hint, we used to own them).
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There are the rumors, the innuendo, the whispered gossip. I hate to speculate. It seems just so sordid, tawdry, ... sick.

Wellll, he's a self-proclaimed Irishman who happily kneels before the British crown. Sad.