APP - DQ - Congressional Dems and Afghanistan


Well-known member
DQ, you predicted last month Republicans would come out against the war in Afghanistan simply as a partisan measure against Obama. That could technically still happen but I haven't seen it yet although uscitizen claimed McCain was for it switched to being against the war and is now for it again all within the span of a month and all under the radar because it was never reported but he somehow knew about it. Well here you have Democrats in Congress not coming out against it but definitely showing concern. Let me know when Republicans in Congress come out against this week because I don't believe they will and think it will reek of political opportunisim if they do.

Democratic support for Afghan war waning
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DQ, you predicted last month Republicans would come out against the war in Afghanistan simply as a partisan measure against Obama. That could technically still happen but I haven't seen it yet although uscitizen claimed McCain was for it switched to being against the war and is now for it again all within the span of a month and all under the radar because it was never reported but he somehow knew about it. Well here you have Democrats in Congress not coming out against it but definitely showing concern. Let me know when Republicans in Congress come out against this week because I don't believe they will and think it will reek of political opportunisim if they do.

Democratic support for Afghan war waning

support for the war is waning period

as i have said before, we never should have gone into iraq and should have concentrated on afghanistan

now the citizens of the u s of a are losing interest in pouring resources into what looks like a losing proposition - corruption and no viable government

maybe like viet nam

ps we need about 100,000 additional troops to make a serious dent in the problem and maybe that would not be enough

also, that would have to be a lump surge

but first get out of iraq and let them deal with the partisan bombs
DQ, you predicted last month Republicans would come out against the war in Afghanistan simply as a partisan measure against Obama. That could technically still happen but I haven't seen it yet although uscitizen claimed McCain was for it switched to being against the war and is now for it again all within the span of a month and all under the radar because it was never reported but he somehow knew about it. Well here you have Democrats in Congress not coming out against it but definitely showing concern. Let me know when Republicans in Congress come out against this week because I don't believe they will and think it will reek of political opportunisim if they do.

Democratic support for Afghan war waning

Bonus! Good news, Thanks for the heads-up Cawacko!