Drive Thru vs. Drive Through

Which Do You Find More Edifying?

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Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
I have never gotten used to the mis-spelling on the drive through signs at places such as Starbucks and McDonalds. It always pops out at me like a giant eye-sore, but then, I'm a conservative, and incapable of handling change. Quite frankly, the implications of this spelling change strike fear into my conservative heart about the direction society is heading in if we can't even drive through something anymore.

Just a few days ago, I was expressing the same complaint to my girlfriend, who, as an English major, naturally agreed.

Shortening night to "nite" is even more annoying, but thankfully less common.
I guess if you are a bit OCD and overly thorough, that might be a reasonable option.

Brent, I personally think "nite" looks more natural than "thru," so it doesn't bother me as much. Actually, the word I find less annoying than "thru" but much more so than "nite," is "donuts." They're fucking doughnuts, people!!
They're fucking doughnuts, people!!

???...doughnuts are not for dunkin'.....