'Drones' vs 'Molotov Cocktails' ...


Verified User
Which should Ukrainians be building?

A Covert Intell Agent ('Walt', not his real name) posing here at JPP as another inconspicuous and bland Poster, has suggested that, paraphrasing as to NOT give away any pertinent info, Ukraine should be building 'Killer Drones' rather than waste time on Molotov Cocktails.

This seems like a Good Idea.

Note: My son from DC flew down and we are leaving for Lafayette to see my other son's new house. So, I will not be here for the next half day.
It depends on their skill levels. If they have the ability and means to build drones but instead are building Molotov Cocktails they are fools, if they aren't building anything because they think only drones are effective they are also fools. Folks that cannot participate in building drones should be making the Cocktails as they are effective in such an environment and infinitely more effective than throwing shoes.
It depends on their skill levels. If they have the ability and means to build drones but instead are building Molotov Cocktails they are fools, if they aren't building anything because they think only drones are effective they are also fools. Folks that cannot participate in building drones should be making the Cocktails as they are effective in such an environment and infinitely more effective than throwing shoes.

"Dones". For the love of beeszus (
), please fix Jack's thread title, will you?
It depends on their skill levels. If they have the ability and means to build drones but instead are building Molotov Cocktails they are fools, if they aren't building anything because they think only drones are effective they are also fools. Folks that cannot participate in building drones should be making the Cocktails as they are effective in such an environment and infinitely more effective than throwing shoes.

Why 'enter' a City?
Cut the 'Power & Water'.
Wait a week.
Ask for a Surrender.
No surrender, level the City from 20 miles away.
Move on to next City.
Which should Ukrainians be building?

A Covert Intell Agent ('Walt', not his real name) posing here at JPP as another inconspicuous and bland Poster, has suggested that, paraphrasing as to NOT give away any pertinent info, Ukraine should be building 'Killer Drones' rather than waste time on Molotov Cocktails.

This seems like a Good Idea.

Note: My son from DC flew down and we are leaving for Lafayette to see my other son's new house. So, I will not be here for the next half day.

The Russians are dicks. Throw cocks at them.
I can't believe a thousand Drones aren't in the Hands of the Ukrainians. A '40 mile Supply Column' looks like a perfect target for 'Drones'.

Walt for Ukrainian Defense Minister
