Dropping like flies....


Villified User
Facing Federal Probe, Republican Congressman Rick Renzi Announces Retirement

Thursday, August 23, 2007

WASHINGTON — Three-term Rep. Rick Renzi, an Arizona Republican facing a federal inquiry into his family's insurance business, has told colleagues he will not seek re-election next year, GOP officials said Thursday.

Renzi becomes the fourth GOP House member in recent days to announce retirement plans, giving Democrats hopes of possibly picking up seats next year that otherwise would not be in play. However, leaders of both parties viewed Renzi as seriously damaged politically by the allegations against him, and several Republicans had let it be known they hoped he would step down.

Renzi gave up his House Intelligence Committee seat in April after FBI agents raided his wife's insurance business.

Good evening USC,

Is this anything different than in prior election years? For instance, what about the end of Clinton's reign? Did Republicans go after shady Democrats looking to shake shady Dems from their roost?

Is this simply politics in motion?

It seems to me that this is an inquiry into his families business affairs. It would not surprise me if there is something to the inquiry. In fact, I am sure that if you look deep enough in anyone's life, you will find something that they are guilty of... that would get them in major trouble or would embarrass them into retiring from Congress.

We all have our skeletons in the closet.

That is not to excuse Rep. Renzi or to blame Democrats for these "retirements". I'm sure that the world of politics is a "dog eat dog" world.

Just curious. If President Hillary/Obama/Edwards "politicizes" the justice department and forces investigations of Congressional Republicans, will the Republicans bitch and moan or say "it's the president's right!"?
Just curious. If President Hillary/Obama/Edwards "politicizes" the justice department and forces investigations of Congressional Republicans, will the Republicans bitch and moan or say "it's the president's right!"?

Oh come on... you know full well that a Democrat would never do such a thing. :)

Why should anyone respond to such a foolish hypothetical? That is like asking someone to reply to the question, "If it literally rained cats and dogs would you grab your umbrella?"

Democrats got lambasted in the media when Republicans accused Janet Rino of being "too close" to the Clinton Administration. Talk about a 180. Jesus.
Democrats got lambasted in the media when Republicans accused Janet R[e]no of being "too close" to the Clinton Administration. Talk about a 180. Jesus.

Bush and Ashcroft could not have been any closer if Ashcroft's private part were inserted into Bush's rectum. But then, Democrats made sure we all knew that too.

When a Democrat takes office in 2009, I'm positive there will be a lot of 180's that we will see from Republicans. In fact, I'm hopeful, that we will see plenty of 180's from Democrats concerning their stance on the War in Iraq as well. Hopefully, the one who enters the Oval Office on January 21, 2009 will have a better plan on what to do with this fiasco that the current pResident (that's for you MM!)

Bush and Ashcroft could not have been any closer if Ashcroft's private part were inserted into Bush's rectum. But then, Democrats made sure we all knew that too.

When a Democrat takes office in 2009, I'm positive there will be a lot of 180's that we will see from Republicans. In fact, I'm hopeful, that we will see plenty of 180's from Democrats concerning their stance on the War in Iraq as well. Hopefully, the one who enters the Oval Office on January 21, 2009 will have a better plan on what to do with this fiasco that the current pResident (that's for you MM!)


You can already see plenty of changes from both Democrats and Republicans during the Clinton and Bush administrations. That's the nature of partisan politics. I think people like to think or believe they are principled on issues but ultimately I would argue partisanship trumps.
You can already see plenty of changes from both Democrats and Republicans during the Clinton and Bush administrations. That's the nature of partisan politics. I think people like to think or believe they are principled on issues but ultimately I would argue partisanship trumps.

You won't get an argument from me on that.


PS: I have not be around much lately and I don't recognize you. Do I know you under another handle from this site or another? If not, Nice to meet you.
You won't get an argument from me on that.


PS: I have not be around much lately and I don't recognize you. Do I know you under another handle from this site or another? If not, Nice to meet you.

No, new to the site. I used to post on another board with Darla and Cypress so that's how I found out about here. It is a pleasure to make your acquitance (even if I can't spell it).
Then welcome to the site.

Does CA stand for my old home state, California? I've transplanted to Florida but still consider California my home.

Just curious. If President Hillary/Obama/Edwards "politicizes" the justice department and forces investigations of Congressional Republicans, will the Republicans bitch and moan or say "it's the president's right!"?
They'll b*tch and moan.
Then welcome to the site.

Does CA stand for my old home state, California? I've transplanted to Florida but still consider California my home.


Yeah, my family moved to San Francisco when I was 10. That was 25 years ago and I've been here since. You a college football fan?
Yeah, my family moved to San Francisco when I was 10. That was 25 years ago and I've been here since. You a college football fan?

Not as much any more. It is too hard to follow the West Coast teams from Florida. Same thing with MLB. But I am still very much a 49er/Raider fan.

By the way, Stanford won the "Big Band" game despite the fact that the ref ignored the fact that a knee touching the ground means the player is down. :) And the "Immaculate Reception" was not a reception either!

I grew up in the East Bay. Fremont as a teenager, but had migrated through the years South from Oakland. Left San Jose for Tampa 14 years ago.

Not as much any more. It is too hard to follow the West Coast teams from Florida. Same thing with MLB. But I am still very much a 49er/Raider fan.

By the way, Stanford won the "Big Band" game despite the fact that the ref ignored the fact that a knee touching the ground means the player is down. :) And the "Immaculate Reception" was not a reception either!

I grew up in the East Bay. Fremont as a teenager, but had migrated through the years South from Oakland. Left San Jose for Tampa 14 years ago.


Good stuff. I went to high school in Oakland and college in L.A.
Good evening USC,

Is this anything different than in prior election years? For instance, what about the end of Clinton's reign? Did Republicans go after shady Democrats looking to shake shady Dems from their roost?

Is this simply politics in motion?

It seems to me that this is an inquiry into his families business affairs. It would not surprise me if there is something to the inquiry. In fact, I am sure that if you look deep enough in anyone's life, you will find something that they are guilty of... that would get them in major trouble or would embarrass them into retiring from Congress.

We all have our skeletons in the closet.

That is not to excuse Rep. Renzi or to blame Democrats for these "retirements". I'm sure that the world of politics is a "dog eat dog" world.


Umm I really want corrupt ones of any party OUT!
It is just more fun when the party of personal responsibility and the one that brought integrity back into govt falls on it's butt.
The hypocracy angle.
Umm I really want corrupt ones of any party OUT!
It is just more fun when the party of personal responsibility and the one that brought integrity back into govt falls on it's butt.
The hypocracy angle.

"Party of Personal Responsibility"? "Integrity to the Oval Office"?

My reply to those statements in reference to our current Republican leadership is "better luck next time".

If we made all the corrupt ones "retire" then there would be a vacuum in our national leadership. We would not have anyone in the two branches of government... maybe even all three branches.

"Party of Personal Responsibility"? "Integrity to the Oval Office"?

My reply to those statements in reference to our current Republican leadership is "better luck next time".

If we made all the corrupt ones "retire" then there would be a vacuum in our national leadership. We would not have anyone in the two branches of government... maybe even all three branches.


It would be a start Immie ;)