Drudge Report: Hacked or ad blocker problem


New member
When I go to Drudge Report, I can't view it anymore. I see it for 1 second, and then get a screen that says the page is not available or my ad blocker needs to be disabled. Anybody else having problems viewing Drudge?
No one gives a shit.

Apparently, I do, or I would not have started this thread. If you look at the bottom right of the Drudge page, you may also notice that there are millions of others who care, since Drudge is one of the biggest news sources out there. I would be just as concerned if I could not access Daily Kos, since I do in fact consume both lefty and righty media sources. Can't trust any of them, but I consume them all.
Apparently, I do, or I would not have started this thread. If you look at the bottom right of the Drudge page, you may also notice that there are millions of others who care, since Drudge is one of the biggest news sources out there. I would be just as concerned if I could not access Daily Kos, since I do in fact consume both lefty and righty media sources. Can't trust any of them, but I consume them all.
Not sure why anyone would go to Drudge, but if you're using Ad blocker then you might have to disable it on that page. It's pretty common for quite a few sites.
I have the same problem, but do not want to disable my ad block....so I will have to view the Drudge site at the library's computer.
Not sure why anyone would go to Drudge, but if you're using Ad blocker then you might have to disable it on that page. It's pretty common for quite a few sites.

I go to Drudge to view news and propaganda. Since there is no way to actually know the truth, the best I can do is to triangulate the most likely truth by consuming as many different news and propaganda sources as possible, with a broad range of political bias. I like to balance out my Rachael Maddow, Daily KOS, and Chris Mathews with some Drudge, Hannity, and Lou Dobbs. Those who reject one side of the story are imposing ignorance upon themselves. I will never trust any media or propaganda, but I will consume it all.