Drug Testing Day at Work

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
So, it's a big drill weekend, and all of the drill status guardsmen were in the house. Ideal time to break-out the drug testing program. I get tasked to be an observer, so, I track down the unit 1st Sergeant to make an inquiry:

ME: "So, where are they facilitating the drug tests at?"
1st SGT: "Oh, they're down in the SS Conference Room."
ME "The S-S Conference Room? Perfect place for drug testing!

I had already made a communism joke during the morning brief when they brought-up some of the dangers of May Day in the local community, and I turned to my section and said "Heil Stalin."

Anyway, countless drug and pee jokes later, it's finally over with. We laughed about how numerous guardsmen got popped for marijuana after WA legalized it, thinking it was okay for them. Someone in the conference room had YouTube up on a large monitor, and was playing extreme sky diving and rock climbing videos with loud techno music. People were coming in and getting weirded-out. At one point, the other facilitators caught me trying to play the Cops theme, and vetoed it.

Also, I asked every guy who got stuck with me if they still self-identified as male. :D
So you volunteered to watch other guys pee? That sound you just heard was JPP lefties running to join the military. Legion Fag just ran over Leonpussy
nice anecdotes 3d.

So because it's legal in WA now companies/the military can't do shit about people testing pos for weed? Cause I know that doesn't fly everywhere where it's legal
nice anecdotes 3d.

So because it's legal in WA now companies/the military can't do shit about people testing pos for weed? Cause I know that doesn't fly everywhere where it's legal

A number of guardsmen were predictably confused as to how we are constituted. For example, the reserves didn't seem to have a problem with the new law, because they automatically view themselves as federal. Just because we answer to the WCMJ, swear an oath to our governor, and answer to state officials like the Adjutant General, Commander of the WA ANG, etc., does not mean we aren't also constituted within the AF, DOD, UCMJ, and, of course, we also swear our oath to the President.

Bottom line, WA and CO national guardsmen may not use marijuana.
Honestly, I'm not sure how troops are treated on average. I once saw a newly minted chief master sergeant threatened with legal action under the WCMJ, but offered the chance to retire peaceably, as he had over 20 years of service. It's generally considered to be a career-ender, though.

I imagine that a number of troops who got nailed merely tried to use the law to feign ignorance, in hopes of receiving leniency. Most were probably just ignorant, though...
at one time the concept of internal possession (drug testing for metabolites) was inherently violation of privacy, and presumption of innocence
It's amazing how we will twist the Constitution to fit our rationale du jour' .

The libertarians are correct on this - unless you manifest intoxication ( which degrades abilities to perform duties) it's your body to use as you please.
And the really stupid thing is metabolites do not test for intoxication.:palm:
Yeah, I'm pro-legalization for the public. I signed two marijuana legalization petitions, two liquor privatization petitions, and voted yes on all four subsequent initiatives (the latter set passing). I think I tend to have less problem saying troops shouldn't be allowed to use, even though testing is pretty irritating.
Honestly, I'm not sure how troops are treated on average. I once saw a newly minted chief master sergeant threatened with legal action under the WCMJ, but offered the chance to retire peaceably, as he had over 20 years of service. It's generally considered to be a career-ender, though.

I imagine that a number of troops who got nailed merely tried to use the law to feign ignorance, in hopes of receiving leniency. Most were probably just ignorant, though...

that's fucking retarded 3d. especially when troops are getting drunk all the time on their days off. man our military is dumb as fuck. no offense :)
People ask me if I drink. My response is always "I'm military. Of course I drink." This guy I work with was on active duty until joining my unit a few years ago. After traveling around and numerous deployments, he basically thinks soldiers are retarded across the board. He also joked today that he knows world peace is impossible from all of the hateful graffiti he saw written in porta-pots while deployed.
nice anecdotes 3d.

So because it's legal in WA now companies/the military can't do shit about people testing pos for weed? Cause I know that doesn't fly everywhere where it's legal
Up here you can still lose your job, but I know it's going to be tested in court.