Drummie's Musical Favorites


Verified User
If no one minds or unless I'm unknowingly breaking any rules, I'm starting this thread so I can just post the music I like and share it with who ever (It evokes memories of Donna's 'whoso-nevers'. inside joke I'll tell you later, maybe.) else wants to listen. Feel free to talk about anything and post your own music. I don't care. Enjoy the music that I enjoy. Most do. The videos I post are always chosen because I like them for some reason or another and I think you will like them, too. If not, bye.

Or you can just chat about anything on your mind. But first and foremost, these are the songs I'm listening to.

I post sometimes dozens of songs a night. Other times it can go days without posting any music, but music mellows me out and allows me to think about things, so I always feel better when I remember to chill sometimes.

That's enough of that.

'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry
Oct 25, 2009

28K subscribers
Til Tuesday's official music video for 'Voices Carry'.

After all these years I never gave this song more than a 30 second listen because I thought they were glorifying some guy named, "Mr. Carey."



That's one benefit in the internet's favor.

Til Tuesday's -'Voices Carry'


I'm in the dark, I'd like to read his mind
But I'm frightened of the things I might find
Oh, there must be something he's thinking of
To tear him away-a-ay
When I tell him that I'm falling in love
Why does he say-a-ay

Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry
Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry

I try so hard not to get upset
Because I know all the trouble I'll get
Oh, he tells me tears are something to hide
And something to fear-eh-eh
And I try so hard to keep it inside
So no one can hear
The Monkees - "Pleasant Valley Sunday" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ

There was a legendary handful of Los Angeles area studio musicians who were a couple dozen in number (although I get the idea that a few individuals came and went into these sessions as time went on) most of them were so often booked for studio recording sessions together that they came to be called, "The Wrecking Crew" because they were just so good.

Many/most of America's favorite songs of every genre from the mid 1960's until about mid 1970's were recorded with the Wrecking Crew doing the backgrounds or all of the music except for the singing.

This was one of their numbers, iinm.
Deconstructing a Myth: Sloopy Girl
Sep 20, 2021

King of the House Inc.
3.7K subscribers

A short music film shot in 1975 has turned into an online sensation. That's the year Rick Derringer updated "Hang On Sloopy," a song that had been a #1 hit for his band, The McCoys, a decade before. That online video has been viewed by more than 25 million people and that number grows every day. It is not so much the song that has captivated viewers. It is the mysterious dancing girl who appears in the video. "Sloopy Girl's" true identity has remained a mystery. Theories abound. But they are mainly based on gossip, online rumors, mislabeled photos, wrong information, urban legends and myths. That situation changes today.

The story of the Sloopy dancer must be told by Lisa Leonard Dalton. In 1975, she was a teenager, living in LA (Woodland Hills) with her parents, when she appeared as "Sloopy Girl." Lisa has provided photo evidence, a convincing timeline, and more than a dozen witnesses claim she is the authentic Sloopy dancing girl. Witnesses include her former male dance partner in the '70s, her high school classmates, friends and relatives.

This documentary tells Lisa's story with a backdrop of the sights, sounds and pop culture of the musically diverse 1960s and '70s era. The goal was to collect evidence and to verify facts. In so doing we are preserving one tiny, but shining, moment in Rock 'n' Roll history.

Soon an in-depth article about "Sloopy Girl" with photos, specifics of the 1975 film shoot, a full interview with Lisa, and statements by several witnesses, who know for a fact that Lisa was the mystery dancer, will be posted at Puget Sound Media. When the article is ready, I will provide a notification at this channel.

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MaCoys - Hang on sloopy.mpg

She dances so good!

This is why not many girls were fat when I was growing up.

That and no phones and playing Frisbee and volleyball and softball and tennis if you were a girl.'

She dances so good!

This is why not many girls were fat when I was growing up.

That and no phones and playing Frisbee and volleyball and softball and tennis if you were a girl.'


The millions of views of the music video are due to her dancing, not the McCoys' music.

I think she is SMH sexy. LOL
Deconstructing a Myth: Sloopy Girl
Sep 20, 2021

Rick Derringer?

Oh crap, I been doing it wrong forever. :palm:

Been playin' the Johnny Winter part on the guitar as fills, and that ain't what they're doing.

I mean, it kinda works. :dunno:

Oh! Then I find another vid and Rick's doing it like that, too. It is what is. As long as the notes get played when they're supposed to.