

Well-known member
What a depressing juxtaposition this is: a BBC report about "Dubyaville", a shantytown in Los Angeles full of people who lost their homes in the mortgage meltdown.

Here we are, supposedly the richest and most powerful country in the world, and the British media is reporting on us like we're some broken-down wreck of a third world country.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnnOOo6tRs8"]YouTube - Tent cities spring up in LA[/ame]

Meanwhile, at the same time, all the Republicans in the California state assembly are working to keep yacht and private jet sales tax loopholes in place.

This is why the Republican brand is like tainted dog food: With the economy nosediving and a massive deficit, their response is to protect tax breaks on yachts and jets rather than help the people who can't even afford a roof. (Any minute now, Bar Bush will be along to tell us how not having to worry about all that troublesome yardwork is actually working out quite well for them.)

Well we are pleading with countries that own our debt aren't we ?
Seems like no one wants to touch that thread though.
Always someone elses fault //


basically everything the republicans have said for 8 years is 180 out of phase.
We are the party of personal responsibility, we are for balanced budgents and smaller govt. just let industry self regulate, etc...

haha i like that. used to do that with hooverville... hoover shares some similarities to W.

Indeed. Dubya in the new Herbert Hoover.

I’m sure the pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps crowd won’t find anything profound in this.

But, chap, I think most adults who don’t have a trust fund, or well meaning/affluent relatives to fall back on in hard times, can see something like this happening to decent, hardworking people. There’s definitely been points in my life, when I was one paycheck away from being out on the street.
Probably half of america is one paycheck away from being out on the street, or at best 30 days worth of paychecks would probably cover 70%

consider the idiots that had a paid for house they inherited or had paid for and then remortgaged it. Now if they lose their job...But those new cars and boats are nice.
Taxes on luxury items, especially those that are labor intensive (e.g., yachts and I imagine planes), damage the working class. I used to work for a company that kept about 150 people employed for two years or more to build one yacht. And a large number were well paid craftsmen, who were skilled but not necessarily formally educated. Those rich greedy bastards paid a lot of mortgages.
Both Bushes have encouraged credit spending on a personal level to boost the economy.

but no Bush does not deserve all the credit for the personal finiancial mess we have. the possession = self esteem society we have is mainly to blame for that, on the individual level. And that has been eagerly promoted by capitalism run amok.
Taxes on luxury items, especially those that are labor intensive (e.g., yachts and I imagine planes), damage the working class. I used to work for a company that kept about 150 people employed for two years or more to build one yacht. And a large number were well paid craftsmen, who were skilled but not necessarily formally educated. Those rich greedy bastards paid a lot of mortgages.

Well yes, but not as many people have been hurt in the luxury item industires as have by the rest of the offshoting of our namufacturing base.
I thought we had a tax on luxury items and repealed it ?
Or was that just additional taxes ?

Sounds like a luxury consumption tax to me.
Both Bushes have encouraged credit spending on a personal level to boost the economy.

but no Bush does not deserve all the credit for the personal finiancial mess we have. the possession = self esteem society we have is mainly to blame for that, on the individual level. And that has been eagerly promoted by capitalism run amok.

BS! It is encouraged by voodoo Keynesian economics that teaches that consumption rather than production is the way to attain wealth.
Well yes, but not as many people have been hurt in the luxury item industires as have by the rest of the offshoting of our namufacturing base.
I thought we had a tax on luxury items and repealed it ?
Or was that just additional taxes ?

Sounds like a luxury consumption tax to me.

The guy is complaining about sales taxes on luxury items. It's not an added tax on top for luxury items, they are just trying to preserve exemption for these luxury items from normal sales taxes. Might not be a bad idea. Otherwise the rich greedy bastards in California will just go pay mortgages in Oregon.
People with money can make money in any market.

I bet yacht sales would not be affected in the least by more taxes.

Gotta love the ilk of UScit,cypress,darla,desh...they are the ones who bring negative attention to our country...they start all the negative crap...then blissfully go on and on bashing others who disagree...sad lot they are! :gives: what they have to say about anything or anyone!