Duck Dynasty


Staff member
Who here watches this reality show?

I seem to have quite a few relatives who watch it.

Can someone explain to me the attraction to this program, thanks.
Who here watches this reality show?

I seem to have quite a few relatives who watch it.

Can someone explain to me the attraction to this program, thanks.

I think it has to do with the general dumbing down of America, combined with some likeable characters that appeal to the everyman.

In the broader sense, Reality TV sucks. It holds no redeeming value and has little to do with reality. It's all a sideshow where networks don't have to invest much money to start a show. Much like the music industry's corporate driven, bottom line entertainment. It has no art and no soul. The day that people tire of this shit can't come soon enough.
I think it has to do with the general dumbing down of America, combined with some likeable characters that appeal to the everyman.

In the broader sense, Reality TV sucks. It holds no redeeming value and has little to do with reality. It's all a sideshow where networks don't have to invest much money to start a show. Much like the music industry's corporate driven, bottom line entertainment. It has no art and no soul. The day that people tire of this shit can't come soon enough.

Thanks, you share my opinion, I was hoping to hear from those that think it has some redeeming value.
I am a DD fan. I have seen all the episodes up to this season, I haven't watched much lately. I'm starting to get a little burned out on it, but I found it to be very entertaining. Some of it is funny to me because I know people like this, and these kind of crazy off-the-wall things do actually happen in redneck country. Like Uncle Si blowing up his old pickup instead of trading it in. I've actually participated in one of these ritual send-offs, we torched a Tempo and pushed it down a hill into a lake! This was after a fun-filled day of hacksawing the top off to make it a convertible and hot rodding it around in an open field for several hours. ...FUN in the SOUTH, Baby!

I've never been a big fan of reality shows. I can count the number I have watched on one hand. But the thing I like about the way they do DD, it's not "really" a reality show. It has real people, and there is no real script, but there is a story plot or theme, and it is sort of a "situational-comedy-reality" result. As for redeeming values, it is chock-full of them, it's really what the whole show is about. Phil Robertson is an ordained minister, although, the only real 'religious' aspect to the show is the closing, when the family says grace before dinner. There is no prosthelytizing or preaching, they simply depict the characters learning about life and self respect, raising their families like millions of Americans do, by instilling common decency and morals in their children. This is why it is an amazingly popular show.

I personally like some characters more than others, Jase annoys me... My favorite is Miss Kay, I love the way she says things, it just cracks me up. When she said she didn't know what to think about this "Justin the Beaver" I almost peed my pants laughing. Then you have "the guys" getting busted, gigging frogs in the pond of the golf course, where Willie is a member... Yum, fat lazy country club frogs are the BEST! I mean, come on... THAT is FUNNY!
I assume you like Pawn Stars much better than you do that scathing expose of Detroit known as Hardcore Pawn? :D

Yes. One, because Pawn Stars has history and guns, and two, because the pawnshop in Hardcore Pawn sucks hairy dick.
Yeah, Gold & Silver Pawn is not your typical den of proles. They go for artifacts and collections - not junky electronics, clothing, and jewelry.
Yeah, Gold & Silver Pawn is not your typical den of proles. They go for artifacts and collections - not junky electronics, clothing, and jewelry.

They apparently have two stores. One is the traditional pawnshop, and the other is the one with neat shit.