Dude has a point

Nobody believes anything that comes out of Trump's mouth. So yeah, Trump could claim the Wall was built and Mexico paid for it.
(North Korea has de-nuclearized, right?)
Nobody believes anything that comes out of Trump's mouth. So yeah, Trump could claim the Wall was built and Mexico paid for it.
(North Korea has de-nuclearized, right?)

Kim Jong-un can claim that North Korea beat America in a nuclear war, and because the media is censored there, most people might believe him.
Trump can claim that the wall was built and Mexico paid for it, and because his supporters only watch Pro-Trump media, most of them might believe him.
That says something about how cult-like Trumpsters are.
Kim Jong-un can claim that North Korea beat America in a nuclear war, and because the media is censored there, most people might believe him.
Trump can claim that the wall was built and Mexico paid for it, and because his supporters only watch Pro-Trump media, most of them might believe him.
That says something about how cult-like Trumpsters are.

I can not disagree. (unfortunately) :(