DUI Deaths


Due to the recent presentations to restrict different aspects of firearm ownership, I propose that everyone look at another "tragedy".


Alcohol-related car crashes kill someone every 45 minutes and injure
someone every two minutes.

In the United States, drunk driving is the leading criminal cause of

About one-third of people arrested for drunk driving are repeat

The NHTSA didn't start keeping stats on DUI fatalities, until 1982.
In it's first year of data tracking, they recorded 21,113 deaths and in 2010, there were 10,228.


During 2008, there were 11,923 drunk driving deaths; of which 216 were children, between the the ages 14 and younger. Another 34 children died as pedestrians or bikers who were hit by drunk drivers.


In an effort to further reduce the numbers involved, in these needless tragedies, I propose the following:
1. Anyone who owns a car, must have an Ignition interlock device installed. (This is intended to stop anyone who has been drinking, to start the vehicle)
2. Anyone who owns a car, must install a Parking Enforcement Wheel Boot, any time the vehicle is parked; no matter what the length of time is involved. (This will stop anyone from stealing the vehicle and possibly drinking and driving)
3. Any one who has a family member, living in their home, who has a drinking problem, will be denied being able to own a motor vehicle. (This will stop the problem drinker from having access to the vehicle)
4. Anyone who owns a vehicle, who wants to purchase alcohol, must agree to submit to a back ground check and a wait of 72 hours. (This will give ample time to make sure that the purchaser has no mental or alcohol problem(s) and will also allow them a cooling off period)
5. All alcohol sales will be limited to a purchase of only two, during any 48 hour time period.
6. All alcohol containers will be limited to 50ml only.

This is not meant to deny anyone access to alcohol; but is intended to assist in working towards the goal of stopping DUIs.

Why can't the liberals get behind this idea?
Think of the number of lives this would save?

Or is it because the liberals want to continue to hide behind this built in loophole, so that they won't FEEL responsible; when that car they sold, is used by a drunk to kill people?

Currently; those convicted of driving while drunk, usually have to have the interlock ignition system installed on their cars.
But by the liberals using this loophole, the drunks can buy a privatly owned car and still drive after drinking.

Why don't the DUI loving liberals (hereafter known as the Dll's) want to put a stop to this murder by vehicle?

This would only result in a slight inconveniance to the Dll's and yet they balk at this.
Could it be because so many of the Dll's like to emulate the Kennedy's and drive while drunk also?

This loophole needs to be closed and anyone who doesn't get behind it, has to be a drunk also or have drunks in their family that they are protecting.
DUI's deaths aren't malicious and purposely carried out with the intent to kill.

But hey....if you don't like it....take up arms....that's the standard response for everything with you guys....
DUI's deaths aren't malicious and purposely carried out with the intent to kill.

But hey....if you don't like it....take up arms....that's the standard response for everything with you guys....

Doesn't matter to those who are dead, does it?
How long have you been a Dll?
Why don't you want this vehicle loophole closed?
Doesn't matter to those who are dead, does it?
How long have you been a Dll?
Why don't you want this vehicle loophole closed?

It don't matter....I just want your guns....now run along and play soldier with your militia pussy friends....it's a beautiful Saturday....gotta train to kill liberals....run along now.
It don't matter....I just want your guns....now run along and play soldier with your militia pussy friends....it's a beautiful Saturday....gotta train to kill liberals....run along now.

And there is the real underlyng reasoning from the liberals.
While some of them may own firearms, they just don't want anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with them to have any.

It don't matter....I just want your guns...

Dll's don't care how many die under this vehicular loophole, unless they have the dead bodies of children to stand on and preach their doctrine from.
And there is the real underlyng reasoning from the liberals.
While some of them may own firearms, they just don't want anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with them to have any.

Dll's don't care how many die under this vehicular loophole, unless they have the dead bodies of children to stand on and preach their doctrine from.

Wow....you must be a hungry little fish....you took that bait faster than a starving sunfish....lol...

Shouldn't you be out shooting pictures of Obama, Pelosi and Reid right now? It is a beautiful day...at least here in PA.

I'd go out and play, but I gotta go lay down and try to nap soon....I go to my $21/hour job in four hours and add some more to my pension.
Wow....you must be a hungry little fish....you took that bait faster than a starving sunfish....lol...

Shouldn't you be out shooting pictures of Obama, Pelosi and Reid right now? It is a beautiful day...at least here in PA.

I'd go out and play, but I gotta go lay down and try to nap soon....I go to my $21/hour job in four hours and add some more to my pension.

Was no bait, you just finally were truthful about your real agenda.
Nothing more - nothing less. :)

Odd how liberals are always trying to prove how great then think they are doing; but then liberals usually have self esteem issues and are high maintenance.
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smartest post I have seen from you in a long long time. It uses the exact logic as the gun grabbers use but they are blind to seeing it the same way. I guess they just hate people killed by cars.
And if we just banned anyone with an IQ under 90 from owning guns we'd get rid of the NRA and Republican party in one fell swoop. As well as half the posters in this thread.
NTSB: Cut legal alcohol limit for driving in half

(RNN) – The federal agency responsible for travel safety investigations recommended Tuesday that all states lower the blood-alcohol content level for drunken driving.

The National Transportation Safety Board stated the current BAC level of .08 should be lowered to .05 in an effort to reduce the number of deaths in connection to impaired drivers. On average, 10,000 people are killed every year in alcohol-related collisions.

The Associated Press reported a woman 120 pounds or less can reach .05 after one drink. That threshold would require two drinks for a man who weighs 160 pounds or more.

The American Beverage Institute responded the recommendation was "ludicrous," according to USA Today. The group, which represents thousands of restaurants, stated the change would focus on responsible adults instead of binge drinkers who decide to drive.

The NTSB does not have the power to write or enforce new laws. The agency is charged by Congress "with investigating every civil aviation accident in the U.S. and significant accidents in other modes of transportation-railroad, highway, marine and pipeline," according to its website.

The board said the lower legal level has been adopted by more than 100 countries, and it would save as many as 800 lives per year in the U.S. Average deaths connected to drunken driving were cut in half in Europe in a span of 10 years.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) released a statement Tuesday expressing appreciation for the NTSB's efforts to reduce alcohol-related deaths. MADD advocates that "the safest course of action is not to drink and drive."

"As a mother whose child was killed by a drunk driver, the most important thing to me is preventing as many families as possible from suffering similar tragedies," said MADD National President Jan Withers.

Now what was that number of those killed by a firearm?
NTSB: Cut legal alcohol limit for driving in half

(RNN) – The federal agency responsible for travel safety investigations recommended Tuesday that all states lower the blood-alcohol content level for drunken driving.

The National Transportation Safety Board stated the current BAC level of .08 should be lowered to .05 in an effort to reduce the number of deaths in connection to impaired drivers. On average, 10,000 people are killed every year in alcohol-related collisions.

The Associated Press reported a woman 120 pounds or less can reach .05 after one drink. That threshold would require two drinks for a man who weighs 160 pounds or more.

The American Beverage Institute responded the recommendation was "ludicrous," according to USA Today. The group, which represents thousands of restaurants, stated the change would focus on responsible adults instead of binge drinkers who decide to drive.

The NTSB does not have the power to write or enforce new laws. The agency is charged by Congress "with investigating every civil aviation accident in the U.S. and significant accidents in other modes of transportation-railroad, highway, marine and pipeline," according to its website.

The board said the lower legal level has been adopted by more than 100 countries, and it would save as many as 800 lives per year in the U.S. Average deaths connected to drunken driving were cut in half in Europe in a span of 10 years.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) released a statement Tuesday expressing appreciation for the NTSB's efforts to reduce alcohol-related deaths. MADD advocates that "the safest course of action is not to drink and drive."

"As a mother whose child was killed by a drunk driver, the most important thing to me is preventing as many families as possible from suffering similar tragedies," said MADD National President Jan Withers.

Now what was that number of those killed by a firearm?

Good. At least they're making an effort to reduce the numbers.