Dumbass award of the day goes to....

I've been following this. Just can't believe it. Hope that his suit loses (aargh, no pun intended) and that he has to pay the legal costs incurred by the defendants (if they set up their defense that way).
I agree. Then I hope they disbar him on the grounds that he is simply too ignorant to be defending or prosecuting other human beings.
I can't believe this made it past the evidentiary stage? How could he possibly substantiate $54M in damages for a misplaced pair of pants. Seriously, this kind of person is the reason for idiotic warning labels like, "Don't use when you are asleep."
Well, in all honesty I CAN understand the complete mental anguish a person can go through when losing a pair of pants. It is the worst kind of tragedy that can befall a person. Unless of course they lost a pair of pants AND a shirt. That would probably have driven any of us insane.
I think the judge presiding over this case should have her head examined for letting it go this far. At most she should have awarded the guy a few hundred for his pants and been done with it.
I think disbar him for a year or so.
And make him pay the other guys costs of litigation.

He has to be arrogant and mean. I doubt anyone stupid enough for stupidity to be their excuse could get to be a lawyer.
I am not, as most of you know, a fan of "tort reform" in any sense. I think it's just another stalking horse for those who want to castrate the working class, basically. Even so, I have to say that I agree with Supe, pretty much word for word, on this one.

This guy is a disgrace to his profession.