Dying of whiteness

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Chris Hayes speaks with psychiatrist and sociologist Jonathan Metzl about how policies rooted in whiteness are shortening the lives of white Americans.

Jonathan Metzl traced that distress signal to its origin and found something remarkable. He writes that the policies promising to Make American Great Again, policies rooted in centering and maintaining the power of whiteness, are shortening the lives of the white Americans who vote for them. From supporting conceal carry to cutting social services, Metzl explores just what policies white voters are willing to risk their lives for.

Chris Hayes speaks with psychiatrist and sociologist Jonathan Metzl about how policies rooted in whiteness are shortening the lives of white Americans.

Jonathan Metzl traced that distress signal to its origin and found something remarkable. He writes that the policies promising to Make American Great Again, policies rooted in centering and maintaining the power of whiteness, are shortening the lives of the white Americans who vote for them. From supporting conceal carry to cutting social services, Metzl explores just what policies white voters are willing to risk their lives for.


what policies maintain whiteness, you repugnant kike, race baiter?