Early New Year's resolution.


Shaken, not stirred!
Come the New Year I will start anew by emptying my ignore list. That way, all discussions will proceed as usual until the responders become too ridiculous or are just interested in flame wars or the gain saying of anything I post. See you all there.
Come the New Year I will start anew by emptying my ignore list. That way, all discussions will proceed as usual until the responders become too ridiculous or are just interested in flame wars or the gain saying of anything I post. See you all there.

Sounds like a good one!
Nobody cares, you're a fool.

And yet YOU took time and effort to read and respond, Tommy. Obsessed much?

Let's try this: if you feel compelled to comment on one of my threads or posts, then discuss the merits, the facts ... and if you feel your opinion is on par with such, at least try to defend it or refer/support it with valid facts from reputable sources. I will do the same. If we can't come to a resolution, then we admit such. That way, no waste of time with flame wars. Otherwise this is just a waste of time and effort, and the ignore list becomes useful yet again. Agreed?