Earth day

Into the Night

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Earth Day is fast approaching. Claimed to be held on the spring equinox (which was last month!), this Holy Celebration by the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming will be marked with the traditional festivities:

* Holy Chants of how Global Warming or 'climate change' is 'real'.
* Defacing corporate buildings 'other evil objects' (such as paintings) with graffiti and other vandalism.
* Claiming their religion is 'sCiEnCe'.
* Claiming various random numbers as 'data'.
* Chanting Doom and Gloom.
* The traditional yelling and screaming about how republicans, conservatives, and capitalists are destroying the world.
* The traditional curse of Fox network, gasoline, coal, oil products, cows, farmers and ranchers, and 'rednecks'.
* The traditional worship of lithium.
* The traditional discard of theories of science and of statistical mathematics.
* The traditional worship of the IPCC, NASA, Gaia, Al Gore, and the Holy Gas.
Earth Day is fast approaching. Claimed to be held on the spring equinox (which was last month!), this Holy Celebration by the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming will be marked with the traditional festivities:

* Holy Chants of how Global Warming or 'climate change' is 'real'.
* Defacing corporate buildings 'other evil objects' (such as paintings) with graffiti and other vandalism.
* Claiming their religion is 'sCiEnCe'.
* Claiming various random numbers as 'data'.
* Chanting Doom and Gloom.
* The traditional yelling and screaming about how republicans, conservatives, and capitalists are destroying the world.
* The traditional curse of Fox network, gasoline, coal, oil products, cows, farmers and ranchers, and 'rednecks'.
* The traditional worship of lithium.
* The traditional discard of theories of science and of statistical mathematics.
* The traditional worship of the IPCC, NASA, Gaia, Al Gore, and the Holy Gas.

And don't forget there will probably be an apparition somewhere of St Greta with dire warnings of calamity that can only be averted by bankrupting every economy in the world.
Earth Day is fast approaching. Claimed to be held on the spring equinox (which was last month!), this Holy Celebration by the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming will be marked with the traditional festivities:

* Holy Chants of how Global Warming or 'climate change' is 'real'.
* Defacing corporate buildings 'other evil objects' (such as paintings) with graffiti and other vandalism.
* Claiming their religion is 'sCiEnCe'.
* Claiming various random numbers as 'data'.
* Chanting Doom and Gloom.
* The traditional yelling and screaming about how republicans, conservatives, and capitalists are destroying the world.
* The traditional curse of Fox network, gasoline, coal, oil products, cows, farmers and ranchers, and 'rednecks'.
* The traditional worship of lithium.
* The traditional discard of theories of science and of statistical mathematics.
* The traditional worship of the IPCC, NASA, Gaia, Al Gore, and the Holy Gas.

It's unfortunate that you spent a lot of time giggling when composing this and believing it was going to be clever.
It's unfortunate that you spent a lot of time giggling when composing this and believing it was going to be clever.

I don't know if the poster was trying to be clever but the poster is accurate in their assertions. It's cleverness is just a happy accident. You also can't muster a counter argument to any of it and to your credit you seem to know that and so didn't even bother to try. You're learning.
It's pronounced Gorebal Warming after the high priest of climate change AlGore (one word), inventor of the internet and still looking for manbearpig...

The Church of Global Warming worships Gaia. Al Gore is the Son, put to 'death' by hanging chad but is resurrected from time to time to say something stupid. The Holy Gas completes the Trinity.