East German Parliament Approves Free Abortion


East German Parliament Approves Free Abortion


BERLIN March 9—The East German Parliament passed a bill today allowing free abortion on demand within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.Dr. Mecklinger took note of the opposition of the churches and of a “religiously motivated sense of morality” among some East German women. He said the new bill left it to the women concerned “to make use of the right or to waive it.”

The controversial nature of the measure was pointed up when 14 members of Parliament voted against the bill and 8 others abstained. In the past, the 500 members had always voted unanimously.

Along, with the new law East Genially also lowered to 16 the age at which birthcontrol pills may be provided on prescription.

The primary reason for the legislative move was a desire to end illegal abortions, said to abound throughout East Germany. While no official statistics have been disclosed informed East Germans have said that the rate of aborted pregnancies equalled that of births.

Seven years ago, in a previous step toward liberalization, women under 16 years of age or over 40 and mothers given the right to abortion afwith at least four children were given the right to abortion after applying to a state com‐mission.

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Move Was Delayed

In introducing the legislation passed today, the Minister of Health, Prof. Ludwig Mecklinger, said that “woman must have the right to determine whether they want to have a baby or whether they wish to end an unwanted pregnancy.”

Originally the East German Communist party's Politburo, and the Council of Ministers had sought to introduce the liberalized abortion plan by decree at the end of last year, Opposition, particularly from churches, forced the Communists to go through months of parliamentary procedures and to allow discussion in newspapers and other media.

Doctors and nurses with moral or religious scruples are said to have been assured that they would not be forced to perform abortions.

Issue in Bonn

West Germany, too, is in the midst of parliamentary debate on abortion reform. But there, the prevalence of conservative thinking and of church influence make liberalization like that in East Germany unlikely. Instead, the West German Government has prepared a bill that would facilitate abortions as medical or social needs indicate. At present, most kinds of abortions are illegal in West Germany,

The East German decision came as a surprise to those acquainted with East Germany's stagnant population figures. In a grossly overaged population of 17 million, the country has had a negative birth rate—more people dying than being born—since 1968.

East Germany's apparent need to augment its labor force through women workers was an influential factor in the decision. More than 80 per cent of females aged 16 to 60 are employed in factories, collective farms, plants or public utilities.

The new law enables women to get speedy abortions in the first three months of preg nancies at approved hospitals and other gynecological insti talons. Doctors were told that they must advise patients of medical risks and instruct them on use of contraceptives.

Costs of the operations are to be underwritten by the East German social security system.
Churches "Hurr durr we abortion is bad."

Communist Party of East Germany "Fuck off." *Legalizes abortion, makes it free*

That's how the system should work.
Yes, a place where everyone has a house, there's no unemployment, and no homelessness - what a horror! We need to have the unemployed, else who do we feel superior to?
Yes, a place where everyone has a house, there's no unemployment, and no homelessness - what a horror! We need to have the unemployed, else who do we feel superior to?

You claim there was no homelessness or unemployment in East Germany, and that everyone had a house, petal pusher?